
„My New-Topical-Song-Movement is there to bring to the people the songs that inspire and to bring them fast. To make Downloads, CDs and DVDs, songbooks, programs, songsheets, concerts.
To distribute the songs globally via internet, shops, radio & TV and get the messages discussed and cited in newspapers, magazines, talk shows, social networks and gatherings.
The New-Topical-Songs are songs for the people and a world where we all vote, eat, work, talk, plan, think and love together so that your people will know my people and we don’t lose the peace and the world along with it.”
-Michel Montecrossa

Michel Montecrossa is an attentive observer of reality and misses no opportunity to let his songs voice the painful problems that disturb the well-being of our planet.
– Gianni Mongrandi in the E-Zine ‘Daring To Do’

‘Angela Must Act Now – Angela Muss Jetzt Handeln!’ Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song For A Strong German Future

Angela Must Act Now - Angela Muss Jetzt Handeln!
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‘Angela Must Act Now – Angela Muss Jetzt Handeln!’, released by Mira Sound Germany on Audio Single, DVD and as Download, is Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song For A Strong German Future and a call to Angela Merkel to earn Karma Points.

Michel Montecrossa about the New-Topical-Song ‘Angela Must Act Now – Angela Muss Jetzt Handeln!’:
“Es ist ein Song, der sagt: ‘Lass die Haare wehen!’ It is a song that says: ‘Get the lead out!'”

Angela must act now: / must take the lead for European Unity, / must bring Turkey into the E.U., / must end Russia sanctions,
must join the E.U. with Eurasia, / must stand for and effectively build / the great E.U. and Eurasia Free-Trade-Continent / together with China, Russia, India and all nations,
to end NATO conflicts, / to solve the Ukraine problem, / to solve the Islamic riddle, / to activate the Transatlantic Free-Trade
with South America, Canada and the U.S.A. / and make superfluous Brexit and disunity. / “Angela must act now – Angela muss jetzt handeln!” / “Angela must act now – Angela muss jetzt handeln!”
Angela muss jetzt handeln: / muss Führung zeigen für Europäische Einheit, / muss die Türkei in die E.U. bringen, / muss Russland Sanktionen beenden,
muss die E.U. verbinden mit Eurasien, / muss zielstrebig und effektiv aufbauen / den großen E.U. und Eurasien Freihandels-Kontinent / zusammen mit China, Russland, Indien und allen Staaten,
um zu beenden NATO Konflikte, / um zu lösen das Ukraine Problem, / um zu lösen das islamische Rätsel, / um mit Südamerika, Kanada und den U.S.A.
den Transatlantik-Freihandel zu aktivieren, / überflüssig machend Brexit und Uneinigkeit. / “Angela must act now – Angela muss jetzt handeln!” / “Angela must act now – Angela muss jetzt handeln!”
Lyrics & Music: Michel Montecrossa, © Mira Sound Germany

Want to know more? Click here.'

’Talking Germany Today – Über Deutschland Heute Sprechen’: Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song Audio Single and DVD about Germany’s Importance for Eurasian Unity

Talking Germany Today - Über Deutschland Heute Sprechen
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‘Talking Germany Today – Über Deutschland Heute Sprechen’, is Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song, released by Mira Sound Germany on Audio Single and DVD about Germany’s importance for Eurasian Unity. The Ukraine Crisis shows that it is high time for the EU and Russia to further evolve their already existing cultural and economic connections into a comprehensive Eurasian Union creating a Free-Trade-Zone from the Atlantic to the Pacific Oceans which would not only dissolve the problems that are tearing the Ukraine apart but would also help to improve the economic situation of the EU. As a major player in the EU Germany today can take the strong lead on the way to Eurasian Unity helping to bring together the EU and Russia in a comprehensive Eurasian Free-Trade-Zone which will give the Ukraine and all nations of the Eurasian continent the possibility to build flourishing economies and establish lasting peace through free communication, association and unrestricted cultural and economic interaction. Germany today is a most important key to such an Eurasian Unity and therefore must show the big wisdom and statesmanship that can bring together the EU and Russia.

Michel Montecrossa says:
“The New-Topical-Song ’Talking Germany Today – Über Deutschland Heute Sprechen’ is the hopeful call to Germany to stand on the right side of history by helping to bring together the EU and Russia in a United Eurasia for a better world.“

Talking Germany Today and history in the makin’: / is it statesmanship we see or polito corrupto fakin’? / Talking Germany Today, Talking Germany Today, / Talking Germany Today: where is it goin’?
Über Deutschland heute sprechen und Geschichte im Werden: / ist es Staatsführungs Kunst oder Polito-Korrupto Gerede? / Über Deutschland heute sprechen, über Deutschland heute sprechen, / über Deutschland heute sprechen: wo geht es lang?
Germany today is a key to Eurasian Unity. / It must show big wisdom, it must take the strong lead, / it must bring together now, it must bring together now, / it must bring together now the EU and Russia.
Deutschland heute ist ein Schlüssel zur Einheit von Eurasien / und muss große Weisheit zeigen, muss entschlossen führen, / muss zusammenführen jetzt, muss zusammenführen jetzt, / muss zusammenführen jetzt die EU und Russland.
EU and Russia together can bring the Eurasian Free-Trade-Zone. / Merkel and Putin now must wake up to the chance / of Eurasia united, of Eurasia united, / of Eurasia united for a better world.
EU und Russland zusammen können bringen / die eurasische Frei-Handels Welt. / Merkel und Putin: wacht auf zu der Stunde / des geeinten Eurasien, des geeinten Eurasien, / des geeinten Eurasien für eine bessere Welt.
Talking Germany Today and history in the making: / it is statesmanship we need, not polito corrupto fakin’. / Talking Germany Today, Talking Germany Today, / Talking Germany Today: are you understanding?
Über Deutschland heute sprechen und Geschichte im Werden: / Staatsführungs Kunst wird gebraucht, nicht Korrupto Gerede. / Über Deutschland heute sprechen, über Deutschland heute sprechen, / über Deutschland heute sprechen: wisst ihr Bescheid?
Lyrics & Music: Michel Montecrossa, © Mira Sound Germany

Want to know more? Click here.'

Talking Brexit – Über Brexit Reden – apropos the British ‘no’ to Europe and Tony Blair’s warning not to leave the EU

Talking Brexit - Über Brexit reden
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‘Talking Brexit – Über Brexit Reden’ is Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song apropos the British ‘no’ to Europe which he sees as a totally wrong decision and a crime against the future of the young. Michel Montecrossa sees the EU as an indispensable step towards the Eurasian Union with its great potential for free trade, jobs and prosperity as a way to the United States of Planet Earth. Former Prime Minister Tony Blair too forcefully urged opponents of a British withdrawal from the European Union to “rise up” and persuade others to rethink their decision to leave the EU.

Michel Montecrossa says about his New-Topical-Song ‘Talking Brexit – Über Brexit Reden’:
“Brexit is totally wrong. Brexit is a crime against the future of the young. My New-Topical-Song ‘Talking Brexit – Über Brexit Reden’ takes a stand for this future and the future of a growing EU of strength and unity opening the doors to Eurasia with its great potential for free trade, jobs and prosperity that a powerful spirit of Human Unity can set free.”

Union is right and Brexit is wrong. / The EU now must strengthen unity. / The EU now must join the Eurasian Union. / This is the answer to the British ‘no’. / This is the answer of Human Unity.
Geeintsein ist richtig und Brexit ist falsch. / Die EU muss jetzt das Geeintsein stärken. / Die EU muss jetzt sich verbinden mit der Eurasischen Union. / Dies ist die Antwort auf das Britische ‘Nein’. / Dies ist die Antwort menschlichen Geeintseins.
Union is right and Brexit is wrong. / The future of the world is unity, / free-trade, jobs and equal wages everywhere. / This is the answer to the British ‘no’. / This is the answer of Human Unity.
Geeintsein ist richtig und Brexit ist falsch. / Die Zukunft der Welt ist Vereinigung, / Freihandel, Jobs und gleiche Löhne überall. / Dies ist die Antwort auf das Britische ‘Nein’. / Dies ist die Antwort menschlichen Geeintseins.
Union is right and Brexit is wrong. / The EU is the light of hope for our children, / the light of hope for cooperation and prosperity. / This is the answer to the British ‘no’. / This is the answer of Human Unity.
Geeintsein ist richtig und Brexit ist falsch. / Die EU ist das Licht der Hoffnung für unsere Kinder, / das Licht der Hoffnung für Zusammenarbeit und Wohlstand. / Dies ist die Antwort auf das Britische ‘Nein’. / Dies ist die Antwort menschlichen Geeintseins.
Union is right and Brexit is wrong. / The EU now must drop Russia-sanctions, / must open the doors for big Eurasia business. / This is the answer to the British ‘no’. / This is the answer of Human Unity.
Geeintsein ist richtig und Brexit ist falsch. / Die EU muss jetzt Russland-Sanktionen beenden, / muss öffnen die Tore für große Eurasien-Geschäfte. / Dies ist die Antwort auf das Britische ‘Nein’. / Dies ist die Antwort menschlichen Geeintseins.
Lyrics & Music: Michel Montecrossa, © Mira Sound Germany

Want to know more? Click here.'

‘Pulse of Europe Song’ – Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song dedicated to the future growth of the European Union, apropos the 60th Anniversary of the Treaties of Rome

Pulse of Europe Song
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The ‘Pulse of Europe Song’, released by Mira Sound Germany on Audio Single, DVD and as Download, is Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song dedicated to the future growth of the European Union as a great reality-creating Action Culture for building World Unity. He wrote the ‘Pulse of Europe Song’ apropos the 60th Anniversary of the Treaties of Rome which laid the foundations for the Europe we know today, ushering in the longest period of peace in written history in Europe. Michel Montecrossa sees Europe as a great progress-success of peoples and cultures on the way to find better solutions for changing the climate change, for changing racism, for changing social inequality and for changing war into peace.

Michel Montecrossa about his New-Topical ‘Pulse of Europe Song’:
“My ‘Pulse of Europe Song’ is dedicated to the future growth of the European Union and its spirit of the Living Celebration of Humanity. Europe means Peace and Prosperity and means living the Free Identity of an Action Culture leading to World Unity. Therefore Europe must always grow in intensity and self renewing progress-energy of freedom and knowledge for all humanity.”

Pulse of Europe, Pulse of Time. / United Europe peaceful and kind, / a positive world of Freedom and Light / standing for all humankind.
Humanity, liberty, diversity smile / is Europe united, determined and wide. / A union of Peace and Prosperity, / a loving way to live Free Identity.
Let’s be the Pulse of Europe, my friends! / The Pulse of great progress-success / of peoples and cultures and expression free, / of wisdom and love and future feel.
Space Age is there and nature green. / Education is there that can make us see: / Europe is Action-Culture of you and me, / the cradle it can be of World Unity.
Pulse of Europe, Pulse of Time. / United Europe peaceful and kind, / a soulful world of Freedom and Light / standing for all humankind.
Lyrics & Music: Michel Montecrossa, © Mira Sound Germany

Want to know more? Click here.'

‘Puls von Europa Lied’ – Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song gewidmet der zukünftigen Entfaltung der Europäischen Union, apropos dem 60ten Jahrestag der Römischen Verträge

Puls von Europa Lied
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Das ‘Puls von Europa Lied’, veröffentlich von Mira Sound Germany auf Audio Single, DVD und als Download, ist Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song gewidmet der zukünftigen Entfaltung der Europäischen Union als einer großartigen wirklichkeitserschaffenden Aktions-Kultur für das Entstehen der Weltvereinigung. Michel Montecrossa schrieb das ‘Puls von Europa Lied’ apropos dem 60ten Jahrestag der Römischen Verträge, welche die Grundlagen für das Europa legten, das wir heute kennen, beginnend die längste Friedenszeit in der Geschichte von Europa.
Michel Montecrossa sieht Europa als einen großartigen Fortschrittserfolg von Völkern und Kulturen auf dem Weg zum Finden besserer Lösungen für Veränderung des Klimawandels, für Veränderung des Rassismus, für Veränderung des sozialen Ungleichgewichts und für die Veränderung von Krieg in Frieden.

Michel Montecrossa sagt über sein New-Topical ‘Puls von Europa Lied’:
“Mein ‘Puls von Europa Lied’ ist der zukünftigen Entfaltung der Europäischen Union und ihrem Spirit der lebendigen
Feier der Menschlichkeit gewidmet. Europa bedeutet Frieden und Wohlstand und bedeutet das Erleben des freien Lebensgefühls einer Aktions-Kultur, die zur Weltvereinigung führt. Deshalb muss Europa beständig an Intensität und an sich selbst erneuernder Fortschrittskraft der Freiheit und des Wissens für die ganze Menschheit wachsen.”

Puls von Europa, Puls der Zeit. / Vereintes Europa, friedlich und leicht, / eine gute Welt voller Freiheit und Licht, / stehend für die ganze Menschheit.
Menschlichkeit, Freizügigkeit, Vielfältigkeits-Lachen / ist Europa geeint, entschlossen und weit. / Eine Union des Friedens und des Wohlstands, / eine herzliche Weise zu leben freies Lebensgefühl.
Meine Freunde, lasst uns sein der Puls von Europa! / Der Puls von großem Fortschritts-Erfolg / von Völkern und Kulturen und Ausdruck frei / der Weisheit und Liebe zukunftsbereit.
Weltraumzeit ist da und grüne Natur. / Ausbildung ist da, die uns sehen lässt: / Europa ist Aktionskultur von dir und mir, / die Wiege kann sie sein von Weltgeeintsein.
Puls von Europa, Puls der Zeit. / Vereintes Europa, friedlich und leicht, / eine beseelte Welt voller Freiheit und Licht, / stehend für die ganze Menschheit.
Lyrics & Music: Michel Montecrossa, © Mira Sound Germany

Want to know more? Click here.'

‘Is Schulz The Hero? – Ist Schulz Der Held?’ Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song apropos Martin Schulz 2017 wanting to become German Chancellor

Is Schulz The Hero? - Ist Schulz Der Held?
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‘Is Schulz The Hero? – Ist Schulz Der Held?’, released by Mira Sound Germany on Audio Single, DVD and as Download, is Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song apropos Martin Schulz 2017 wanting to become German Chancellor. Michel Montecrossa in his song asks for a Chancellor of Action and Global Satisfaction of humanity’s need for progress. A new Germany must stand for unity of the whole world bringing sweeping changes. Michel Montecrossa wants to know: Is Martin Schulz a strong politician who delivers or another polito-corrupto talking crap?

Michel Montecrossa says about his New-Topical-Song ‘Is Schulz The Hero? – Ist Schulz Der Held?’:
“With my New-Topical-Song ‘Is Schulz The Hero? – Ist Schulz Der Held?’ I say: the dangerous old are no deal – the young have the feel, the feel for the real, the feel for Human Unity.”

Is Schulz the Hero? / Ist Schulz der Held? / Is he leading the E.U. / with a strong Germany? / Führt er die E.U. mit einem starken Deutschland?
Is Schulz the Hero? / Ist Schulz der Held? / Is he ending Russia sanctions? / Is he uniting Germany and the E.U. / with Russia and China for building with all the nations / the great Eurasian free-trade continent?
Is Schulz the Hero? / Ist Schulz der Held? / Beendet er Russland Sanktionen? / Vereint er Deutschland und die E.U. mit Russland und China, / um aufzubauen mit allen Nationen / den großen Eurasischen Freihandels-Kontinent?
Thus ending the Ukraine crisis? / Damit beenden die Ukraine Krise? / Thus bringing big Eurasia Business? / Damit bringend große Eurasien Geschäfte? / And is he bringing Turkey into the E.U.? / Und bringt er die Türkei in die E.U.?
Is Schulz thinking great? / Denkt Schulz im Großen? / Does he understand World Union? / Versteht er die Weltvereinigung? / Does he help to build the United States of Planet Earth? / Hilft er beim Entstehen der Vereinigten Staaten des Planeten Erde?
Is Schulz the Hero? / Ist Schulz der Held? / Is he leading the E.U. / with a strong Germany? / Führt er die E.U. / mit einem starken Deutschland?
Lyrics & Music: Michel Montecrossa, © Mira Sound Germany

Want to know more? Click here.'

‘Talking Let‘s Help The President Of The U.S.A.’ Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song Apropos Trump Presidency

Talking Let's Help The President Of The U.S.A.
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‘Talking Let’s Help The President Of The U.S.A.’, released by Mira Sound Germany on Audio Single, DVD and as Download, is Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song apropos Trump Presidency and the fact that Love, Goodwill and Cooperation pave the way to World Unity. It is a song about the fact that the greatness of a nation is determined by its readiness to stand for and move towards World Unity. It is a song about the fact that through this movement of Love all nations can help each other and that to help the USA President to understand this would mean to help to make America great again.
As Madonna said: “Good did not win this election, but good will win in the end.”

Michel Montecrossa about his New-Topical-Song ‘Talking Let’s Help The President Of The U.S.A.’:
“To make America great again is okay if it means a step towards World Unity.”

Let’s help the President of the U.S.A. / to make America great again. / Let’s help the People, let’s help the People, / let’s help the People of America! / Let’s help the People, let’s help the People / and tell them: “We are your best friends!”
Let’s help the President of the U.S.A. / to make America great again. / I’m a European artist-singer. / My passport is German and I say: / “Germany First!” That‘s what I say. / Germany is good, it will help you / on your way.
German cars are top in the world. / We build them for you in the great U.S.A. / We build them in China and Mexico too. / We build them in countries all over the globe. / We give American People work and money. / The ancestor of your President is a German, you know.
Sure, we are partners, our nations are great. / Sure, we make the world a better place. / Our blood is as red as is the blood of you. / We are proud to stand for Humanity with you / and thus ‘Germany First’ will help the U.S.A. People / to make America great again.
Lyrics & Music: Michel Montecrossa, © Mira Sound Germany

Want to know more? Click here.'

‘I Have A Vision’ Michel Montecrossa’s Deep-Brain Song & Movie apropos Trump Inauguration and Trump Presidency

I Have A Vision
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The New-Topical-Song ‘I Have A Vision’, released by Mira Sound Germany on Audio Single, DVD and as Download, is Michel Montecrossa’s Song apropos the Trump Inauguration and Presidency.
About the New-Topical-Song ‘I HAVE A VISION’:
‘I Have A Vision’ is the ultra-cool no-pretension Reality Rocker New-Topical-Song and Movie of 68 Deep-Brain-Words by Michel Montecrossa apropos Trump inauguration and Trump presidency.

With ‘I Have A Vision’ Michel Montecrossa says to Donald Trump:
“Proud of what? Show what you can!”

Michel Montecrossa’s ‘I Have A Vision’ continues where Martin Luther King’s ‘I Have A Dream’ began.
It is pure vista.

I have a vision / of the United States of Planet Earth.
I have a vision / of the U.S.A. taking the lead on this way.
I have a vision / of the U.N. changing into the world government.
I have a vision / of the United Humanity moving into space age.
I have a vision / of the living celebration of Humanity / in a World of Peace and Love / and Joy unending.
Lyrics & Music: Michel Montecrossa, © Mira Sound Germany

Want to know more? Click here.'

‘New President #T‘ Michel Montecrossa’s USA President Song apropos the Trump Inauguration and Presidency

New President #T
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The New-Topical-Song ‘New President #T’, released by Mira Sound Germany on Audio Single, DVD and as Download, is Michel Montecrossa’s USA President Song apropos the Trump Inauguration and Presidency. It is a song looking beyond smallness into the greater meaning of U.S.A. Presidency.

Michel Montecrossa says about his New-Topical-Song ‘New President #T’:

New President, new power. / New action, new intentions. / And I hope for sure: / new also the direction.
New President in our country. / New President in another country. / New President in any country. / New President – who is that?
One President there is / almost no one knows, / looking after all the things / human and more.
New President, wherever you are. / New President, whoever you are: / take the lead. Show the way / of the one I mentioned.
Don’t be another fool / believing himself to be someone / without really knowing the one: / Don’t be such a fool.
Don’t be another President / but be the true one / telling truth, bringing peace, / working for World Union on this Earth.
New President, new power. / New action, new intentions. / And I hope for sure: / new also the direction.
Lyrics & Music: Michel Montecrossa, © Mira Sound Germany

Want to know more? Click here.'

‘Singin’ For The Young – Für Die Jugend Singen’ Michel Montecrossa’s Youth Song 2017

Singin' For The Young - Für die Jugend singen
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The New-Topical-Song ‘Singin’ For The Young – Für Die Jugend Singen’, released by Mira Sound Germany on Audio Single, DVD and as Download, is Michel Montecrossa’s Youth Song 2017. Michel Montecrossa’s bilingual English/German New-Topical-Song ‘Singin’ For The Young – Für Die Jugend Singen’ is a wake-up song to be young, taking a stand for the young who are the power that can really do.

Michel Montecrossa says about his New-Topical-Song ‘Singin’ For The Young – Für Die Jugend Singen’:
“My New-Topical-Song ‘Singin’ For The Young – Für Die Jugend Singen’ is my Youth Song 2017 and my happy reminder to be young by always evolving.”

We are young and we know what we do. / We are the young, are the power, of course! / We are the power that can really do. / We are the young, are the wonderful.
Wir sind die Jugend und wissen, was wir tun. / Wir sind die Jugend, sind die Kraft, na klar! / Wir sind die Kraft, die wirklich kann. / Wir sind die Jugend, sind die Wunderbaren.
School and youth and rebellion – / we aren’t perfect but are sweet. / For discouraged souls we sing from the heart so deep. / We are the others, we are we!
Schule und Jugend und Rebellion – / wir sind nicht vollkommen, aber süß. / Für mutlose Seelen singen wir aus dem Herzen tief. / Wir sind die anderen, wir sind wir!
Get the demons out of the system. / Club 27 ain’t good for you. / Be the good ones and the good lovers too. / I’m the good friend / that knows what we really want to do.
Verjagt die Dämonen aus dem System. / Klub 27 tut euch nicht gut. / Seid die Guten und die gut Liebenden dazu. / Ich bin der gute Freund, / der weiß, was wir wirklich gerne tun.
We are young and we know what we do. / We are the young, are the power, of course! / We are the power that can really do. / We are the young, are the wonderful.
Lyrics & Music: Michel Montecrossa, © Mira Sound Germany

Want to know more? Click here.'

My Heart Is Bleedin’ is a song by Michel Montecrossa dedicated to all people traumatized by earthquakes from Christchurch to everywhere.

My Heart Is Bleedin’’ is a song dedicated by Michel Montecrossa to all people traumatized by earthquakes from Christchurch to everywhere. With this comforting and heartfelt song Michel Montecrossa calls for global Human Unity and standing together for easing and solving the many problems which tell us not to be egoistic but soulful and loving.

Michel Montecrossa says about ‘My Heart Is Bleedin’’ :
“With my New-Topical-Song ‘My Heart Is Bleedin’’ I turn with compassion and love to all victims of earthquakes from Christchurch to Japan to Nepal and so many places. It is a call for global Human Unity and standing together for easing and solving the many problems which tell us not to be egoistic but soulful and loving. ‘My Heart Is Bleedin’’ was originally written when the Christchurch earthquake in New Zealand happened, but it is a song carrying the universal meaning of Love and with this Love it is also full-heartedly dedicated to the people of Nepal and wherever people suffer.”

Many thanks for sharing your song and kind words and thoughts.
Best regards,

NHK appreciates the overwhelming response from around the world and would like to thank you for your words of encouragement and concern for the current situation in Japan.
We are committed to gathering the latest news about the earthquake disaster and will keep our viewers up to date.
Thank you once again for your message.

Herzlichen Dank für Ihre Anteilnahme an den gegenwärtigen Ereignissen in Japan. Die japanische Regierung erbringt momentan grösstmögliche Anstrengungen, um in Zusammenarbeit mit der internationalen Gemeinschaft diese noch nie da gewesene Herausforderung zu meistern.
Mit bestem Dank und freundlichen Grüssen
Japanische Botschaft in der Schweiz

Message from the Japanese Embassy regarding Michel Montecrossa’s song ‘ My Heart Is Bleedin’: Wir danken Ihnen herzlich für Anteilnahme und Unterstützung angesichts der furchtbaren Ereignisse in Japan.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Botschaft von Japan

The street is all dusty, rubble’s everywhere. / The quake hit us for the end game. / I know no direction, no way to go. / My heart is a-bleedin’, I miss you so.
The house where we loved is all gone. / Somewhere in the ruins memories still moan. / What will be tomorrow? I don’t know. / I know no direction, no way any more. / My heart is a-bleedin’, I miss you so.
Pain is tearin’ my heart / but then I see you there. / You are not gone, you are somewhere. / I feel your love from there, / my soul you want to save. / I know no direction, except to the Lord. / My heart is a-bleedin’, I miss you so.
Lyrics & Music: Michel Montecrossa, © Mira Sound Germany

Want to know more? Click here.'

Montecrossa Is Right And Trump Is Wrong – Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song apropos USA Presidential Election 2016

Montecrossa Is Right And Trump Is Wrong

With his New-Topical-Song ‘Montecrossa Is Right And Trump Is Wrong’, released by Mira Sound Germany on Audio-CD, DVD and as Download, Michel Montecrossa gives a mind-shaking expression to the consciousness challenge which confronts humanity through the appearance of a man like Donald Trump.

Michel Montecrossa says about his New-Topical-Song ‘Montecrossa Is Right And Trump Is Wrong’:
“At the time when the song ‘Montecrossa Is Right And Trump Is Wrong’ was written an ever more accelerated speed of consciousness change began to take hold of the earth. As an immediate result the difference between ego and soul movements became ever more visible for all of us on earth. As I sing for the people I take a stand for the soul and its wise sense for humanity. Donald Trump himself speaks about his strong ego and hails it with all the dangerous consequences. But as the speed of consciousness increases the possibilities for stunning consciousness changes also increase, that’s why we also can hope for a change in Donald Trump’s ego-consciousness into a more soulful consciousness and eventually a victory of this state of consciousness in him over his distorted values.
In my song ‘Montecrossa Is Right And Trump Is Wrong’ I picture the change from ego to soul and how good it would be for humanity.”

Montecrossa is right and Trump is wrong. / Montecrossa says: “Love and Soul.” / Trump says: “Money and Ego.”
Montecrossa is right and Trump is wrong. / Montecrossa says: “Humanity and human education.” / Trump says: “Torture and war.”
Montecrossa is right and Trump is wrong. / Montecrossa says: “The United States of Planet Earth.” / Trump says: “Americanism.”
Montecrossa is right and Trump is wrong. / Montecrossa says: “Union of the Americas.” / Trump says: “I build a wall.”
Montecrossa is right and Trump is wrong. / Montecrossa says: “Love and Freedom.” / And Trump says: “Why not nuke?”
Montecrossa is right and Trump is wrong. / Montecrossa says: “Love and Soul.” / Trump says: “Money and Ego.”
Montecrossa is right and Trump is wrong.
Lyrics & Music: Michel Montecrossa, © Mira Sound Germany

Want to know more? Click here.'

‘Talking America First Is A Good Idea’ – Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song apropos Donald Trump USA President

Talking America First Is A Good Idea

With his New-Topical-Song ‘Talking America First Is A Good Idea’, released by Mira Sound Germany on Audio-CD, DVD and as Download, Michel Montecrossa expresses his hope that the people of the USA and their president Donald Trump understand the importance of the USA for the future of the world. The world destiny of the USA, as Michel Montecrossa sees it, is not Americanism, but to be a leader on the way to building the United States of Planet Earth which would be a free World Union expressing a complex unity based on diversity and free self-determination. According to Michel Montecrossa it is up to the people of the USA and their president Donald Trump to work for the realization of this noble vision and to understand the true historic meaning of the USA and do the best for its fulfillment.

Michel Montecrossa says about his New-Topical-Song ‘Talking America First Is A Good Idea’:
“At the time when I wrote my New-Topical-Song ‘Talking America First Is A Good Idea’ Donald Trump became the President of the USA. With this election it is up to the people of the USA and their president Donald Trump to give to the slogan ‘America First’ its true meaning as a first step to World Unity, as a moment of reflection on humanity and the world’s need for peace, sharing and giving. ‘America First’ is a good idea if it means a moment of gathering strength to evolve the USA into a considerate and compassionate nation of wisdom and joy that is truly capable of building a better tomorrow of Love, Peace and Freedom for all the world. I hope that the future of the USA is not the future of Americanism, but a future of safety, prosperity and peace for all nations which is responsibly protected by the USA as the most powerful nation on present earth.”

“America First!” is a good idea / if it’s the first step to World Unity, / the Unity of the Americas, / of Europe and Eurasia / and the first step of building / the United States of Planet Earth.
“America First!” is a good idea / if it’s a moment of reflection on humanity, / on the world’s need for peace, / sharing and giving / and looking forward to / the United States of Planet Earth, you know.
“America First!” is a good idea / if it means a country of warmth and generosity, / of safety, prosperity and peace / as the first step of building / the United States of Planet Earth.
“America First!” is a good idea / if it don’t mean violence, / if it don’t mean hatred and oppression / but a better tomorrow / of love, peace and freedom for all the world.
“America First!” is a good idea / if it means a country of wisdom and joy, / a country that’s considerate and compassionate / and on the way to building / the United States of Planet Earth.
“America First!” is a good idea / if it’s a moment of reflection on humanity, / on the world’s need for peace, / sharing and giving / and bringing nearer / the United States of Planet Earth, you know.
Lyrics & Music: Michel Montecrossa, © Mira Sound Germany

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‘Trump Is Good? Montecrossa Is Better! – Trump Ist Gut? Montecrossa Ist Besser!’ – Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song apropos USA Presidential Election 2016

Trump Is Good? Montecrossa Is Better! - Trump Ist Gut? Montecrossa Ist Besser!

Trump Is Good? Montecrossa Is Better! – Trump Ist Gut? Montecrossa Ist Besser!’, released by Mira Sound Germany on Audio-CD, DVD and as Download, is Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song apropos USA Presidential Election 2016 proudly standing for noble human values which the USA needs to properly play its role in the building of the future world.

Michel Montecrossa says about his New-Topical-Song ‘Trump Is Good? Montecrossa Is Better! – Trump Ist Gut? Montecrossa Ist Besser!’:
“Money and Power or Love and Freedom, that’s the question. I stand for Love and Freedom which will give life to the future generations, Trump stands for Money and Power which will corrupt the life of the future generations.”

Trump is good? Montecrossa is better! / Trump ist gut? Montecrossa ist besser!
Money and power are good? Love and freedom are better! / Geld und Macht sind gut? Liebe und Freiheit sind besser!
Law and order are good? Joy and beauty are better! / Gesetz und Ordnung sind gut? Freude und Schönheit sind besser!
Americanism is good? World Union is better! / Amerikanismus ist gut? Weltvereinigung ist besser!
Torture is good? Education is better! / Folter ist gut? Bildung ist besser!
A wall is good? Being together is better! / Eine Mauer ist gut? Zusammensein ist besser!
Ego is good? The soul is better! / Ego ist gut? Die Seele ist besser!
Trump is good? Montecrossa is better! / Trump ist gut? Montecrossa ist besser!
Lyrics & Music: Michel Montecrossa, © Mira Sound Germany

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‘Talking America First Is A Good Idea’ – Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song apropos Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump wanting to be USA President

Talking America First Is A Good Idea

With his New-Topical-Song ‘Talking America First Is A Good Idea’, released by Mira Sound Germany on Audio-CD, DVD and as Download, Michel Montecrossa expresses his hope that the people of the USA might understand the importance of the USA for the future of the world. The world destiny of the USA, as Michel Montecrossa sees it, is not Americanism, but to be a leader on the way to building the United States of Planet Earth which would be a free World Union expressing a complex unity based on diversity and free self-determination. According to Michel Montecrossa it is up to the people of the USA to choose a president that is capable to work for the realization of this noble vision. But above all it is the people themselves that have to understand this true historic meaning of the USA and do the best for its fulfillment.

Michel Montecrossa says about his New-Topical-Song ‘Talking America First Is A Good Idea’:
“At the time when I wrote my New-Topical-Song ‘Talking America First Is A Good Idea’ Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump wanted to become the President of the USA. With this election it is up to the people of the USA to give to the slogan ‘America First’ its true meaning as a first step to World Unity, as a moment of reflection on humanity and the world’s need for peace, sharing and giving. ‘America First’ is a good idea if it means a moment of gathering strength to evolve the USA into a considerate and compassionate nation of wisdom and joy that is truly capable of building a better tomorrow of Love, Peace and Freedom for all the world. I hope that the future of the USA is not the future of Americanism, but a future of safety, prosperity and peace for all nations which is responsibly protected by the USA as the most powerful nation on present earth. In this way my song ‘Talking America First Is A Good Idea’ is a song-prayer for all of us and our children wherever we might be on earth.”

“America First!” is a good idea / if it’s the first step to World Unity, / the Unity of the Americas, / of Europe and Eurasia / and the first step of building / the United States of Planet Earth.
“America First!” is a good idea / if it’s a moment of reflection on humanity, / on the world’s need for peace, / sharing and giving / and looking forward to / the United States of Planet Earth, you know.
“America First!” is a good idea / if it means a country of warmth and generosity, / of safety, prosperity and peace / as the first step of building / the United States of Planet Earth.
“America First!” is a good idea / if it don’t mean violence, / if it don’t mean hatred and oppression / but a better tomorrow / of love, peace and freedom for all the world.
“America First!” is a good idea / if it means a country of wisdom and joy, / a country that’s considerate and compassionate / and on the way to building / the United States of Planet Earth.
“America First!” is a good idea / if it’s a moment of reflection on humanity, / on the world’s need for peace, / sharing and giving / and bringing nearer / the United States of Planet Earth, you know.
Lyrics & Music: Michel Montecrossa, © Mira Sound Germany

Want to know more? Click here.'

Believe In Your Dream – Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song for the 2016 Summer Olympic Games in Rio

Believe In Your Dream

Michel Montecrossa says about ‘Believe In Your Dream’:
“In sports the power of the dream generates the joy, the will, the endurance and the fairness that lead to victory. My New-Topical-Song ‘Believe In Your Dream’ brings this message to the Rio Olympics 2016 and to the hearts of the people from all over the world who join the event. The Olympic games are one of the greatest possibility for all humanity to come together in a spirit of joy and human unity. The true sporting spirit is a strong inspiration to achieve peace on earth and overcome wrong political and financial trends on the way to the United States of Planet Earth.”

Believe in your dream. Hear fortune sing. Listen – and change your scene. Standin’ still is no deal.
Stand up for your dream. Conquer strength and will. See the chance within. Take hold of the best thing to win.
Don’t give up! Never stop! Fight and gain the power! You’re the winner – you are real! Believe in your destiny!
Fulfil your dream. In your dream is the key. Your victory is near. Reach the goal and be free.
Lyrics & Music: Michel Montecrossa, © Mira Sound Germany

Want to know more? Click here.'

‘Talking Hillary, Elizabeth and Bernie’ – Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song apropos Hillary Clinton for USA President

Talking Hillary, Elizabeth and Bernie

Talking Hillary, Elizabeth and Bernie’, released by Mira Sound Germany on Audio-CD, DVD and as Download, is Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song apropos Hillary Clinton for USA President. Seeing Hillary Clinton as the lesser evil Michel Montecrossa in his New-Topical-Song ‘Talking Hillary, Elizabeth and Bernie’ suggests “Hillary Clinton: U.S. President. Elizabeth Warren: Vice President and Bernie Sanders: Secretary of State. That would be something pretty great.”

Michel Montecrossa says about his New-Topical-Song ‘Talking Hillary, Elizabeth and Bernie’:
“The U.S.A. needs renewal of outlook, needs vision and needs good ideas, needs balance and effective unity, unity with the world for progress that counts for you and me. Free unity for free trade on a global scale and a young start-up of the entire world as the next step into a healthy future. Hillary! Elizabeth! Bernie! Let’s work for that!”

Hillary, Elizabeth and Bernie would be something: / a good crew for renewal, balance and progress. / Hillary is quite all right, you know. / I guess she can manage the show.
Hillary Clinton: U.S. President. / Elizabeth Warren: Vice President / and Bernie Sanders: Secretary of State. / That would be something pretty great.
The U.S.A. needs renewal of outlook, / needs vision and needs good ideas, / needs balance and effective unity, / unity with the world for progress that counts for you and me.
Hillary, Elizabeth and Bernie can bring something / as a good crew for renewal, balance and progress. / Hillary, Elizabeth and Bernie are the best / to change the U.S.A. into a force of world unity.
Free unity for free trade on a global scale / and a young start-up of the entire world / as the next step into a healthy future. / Hillary! Elizabeth! Bernie! Let’s work for that!
Lyrics & Music: Michel Montecrossa, © Mira Sound Germany

Want to know more? Click here.'

‘What The European Union Must Do Now – Was Die Europäische Union Jetzt Machen Muss’ – Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song apropos Action after Brexit

What The European Union Must Do Now - Was Die Europäische Union Jetzt Machen Muss

What The European Union Must Do Now – Was Die Europäische Union Jetzt Machen Muss’, released by Mira Sound Germany on Audio-CD, DVD and as Download, is Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song apropos Action after Brexit. Michel Montecrossa’s optimistic and forward-looking New-Topical-Song for the EU carries the encouraging message “What the European Union must do now is to move toward the United States of Planet Earth by giving flesh and blood to the ideal of human unity, by creating islands-of-light-cities for consciousness research and a super-creative peace culture of the young ready for Space-Age and the Love & Freedom World.”

Michel Montecrossa says about his New-Topical-Song ‘What The European Union Must Do Now – Was Die Europäische Union Jetzt Machen Muss’:
“What the European Union must do now is to stand for unity together with the young, is to be the youth movement that really can, is to shake hands with Russia and Eurasia and become one continent from the Atlantic to the Pacific. That is what the European Union must do now.”

What the European Union must do now / is to stand for unity together with the young, / is to be the youth movement that really can, / is to shake hands with Russia and Eurasia / and become one continent from the Atlantic / to the Pacific. / That is what the European Union must do now.
Was die Europäische Union jetzt machen muss ist, / für Geeintsein da zu sein, zusammen mit der Jugend, / ist, die Jugendbewegung zu sein, die wirklich kann, / ist, die Hände zu schütteln mit Russland und Eurasien / und ein Kontinent zu werden vom Atlantik bis zum Pazifik. / Das ist es, was die Europäische Union jetzt machen muss.
What the European Union must do now / is to move toward the United States of Planet Earth / by giving flesh and blood to the ideal of human unity, / by creating islands-of-light-cities for consciousness research / and a super-creative peace culture of the young / ready for Space-Age and the Love & Freedom World.
Was die Europäische Union jetzt machen muss ist, / in Richtung Vereinigte Staaten des Planeten Erde zu gehen, / indem sie Fleisch und Blut dem Ideal menschlichen Geeintseins gibt, / durch den Aufbau von Lichtinsel-Städten für Bewusstseinsforschung / und eine super-kreative Friedenskultur der Jugend, / bereit für die Weltraum-Zeit und die Liebe & Freiheitswelt.
Lyrics & Music: Michel Montecrossa, © Mira Sound Germany

Want to know more? Click here.'

It’s The Ball‘ – Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Sportsmanship Song & Movie for UEFA EURO 2016

It's The Ball - UEFA Euro 2016

It’s The Ball‘ – Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Sportsmanship Song & Movie for UEFA EURO 2016, released by Mira Sound Germany on Audio-single and DVD dedicated to the spirit of true sportsmanship

Michel Montecrossa says:
“My New-Topical-Sportsmanship Song & Movie ‘It’s The Ball’ is dedicated to the true spirit of sport and the joy behind its ideals of fairness, friendship and solidarity.”

There’s a boy and there’s a girl. / They are born to be great. / They feel the power, they hear the call, / they have the will and the strength to move on.
Chorus: It’s the ball! It’s the ball!
Further and further towards the goal / of winning the prize and winning it all. / Training and endurance and team-spirit feel / bring them together, give the energy real,
Chorus: It’s the ball! It’s the ball!
The discipline and joy of a fit body, / rapid action leading to big success, / the sporting spirit and good humor, / self-control, fair play and friendliness, / the loyal acceptance of decisions.
Chorus: It’s the ball! It’s the ball!
There’s the boy and there’s the girl, / they act together, master of team-work skill. / It’s the ball! It’s the ball! / They never miss it, they are the wonderful! / It’s the ball! It’s the ball! / They always get it and they hit the goal!
Chorus: It’s the ball! It’s the ball!

Lyrics & Music: Michel Montecrossa © Mira Sound Germany

Want to know more? Click here.'

’THE THUNDER’ is Michel Montecrossa’s androgyn Love and Life Experience album with 14 Cyberrock Ballads and New-Topical-Songs on Audio-CD & DVD and as Download

The Thunder

‘THE THUNDER’, released by Mira Sound Germany on Audio-CD & DVD and as Download is Michel Montecrossa’s totally new and mind-shaking androgyn Love and Life Experience album with 14 Cyberrock Ballads and New-Topical-Songs from the profundities of his Psyche. The songs are: ‘The Thunder Woman Of Love & Freedom’, ‘No Sugar’, ‘Talking Isis: Talking Nuke Or Talk’, ‘What Love & Freedom Tell Me’, ‘Love & Freedom Showdown In The Making’, ‘Freedom World’, ‘From Honeymoon I Started Into The Open Years’, ‘Lovesong’, ‘There Are Three Female Wonders’, ‘Ballad Of A New Life’, ‘Cyberrocker Ballad’, ‘An Deiner Seite Glücklich – At Your Side Happy’, ‘Wunderbare Liebe – Wonderful Love’ and ‘Exactly Like You’. Together with the holistic crossover music & art movie for the opening song Michel Montecrossa’s THE THUNDER album is the all-out non-conformist deep brain statement of a personality whose heart is burning with the fire of Love & Freedom.

Michel Montecrossa says:
“THE THUNDER is a deeply personal Lilith-style album singing about love relations as the root of all conflicts and every redemption. THE THUNDER is singing from the place where male and female are the androgyn reality of our Self, where we meet every other Self in the way of both sexes. It is there where all conflicts disappear and the unexpected appears. THE THUNDER can be heard in this album through Cyberrock Ballads of Love and Freedom and New-Topical-Song-Echoes from an uprooted world of sensual distortion. THE THUNDER like Lilith does not want to be buried under the king during love making but rather wants to sit on top of his prick. Lilith was greatly despised for that by patriarchs and male dominated religions. But in fact she is the creation goddess dwelling in the World Tree, or in other words, in every prick. THE THUNDER gives you something to think for the next time you are in bed with someone. Most of the songs have English lyrics and some are bilingual Deutsch-English.”

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