
„My New-Topical-Song-Movement is there to bring to the people the songs that inspire and to bring them fast. To make Downloads, CDs and DVDs, songbooks, programs, songsheets, concerts.
To distribute the songs globally via internet, shops, radio & TV and get the messages discussed and cited in newspapers, magazines, talk shows, social networks and gatherings.
The New-Topical-Songs are songs for the people and a world where we all vote, eat, work, talk, plan, think and love together so that your people will know my people and we don’t lose the peace and the world along with it.”
-Michel Montecrossa

Michel Montecrossa is an attentive observer of reality and misses no opportunity to let his songs voice the painful problems that disturb the well-being of our planet.
– Gianni Mongrandi in the E-Zine ‘Daring To Do’

‘Remain! Let’s Stay Together In The E.U.’ Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song apropos the mass protest of the British People against Brexit and for a new referendum

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Remain! Let‘s Stay Together In The E.U.‘ released by Mira Sound Germany on Audio Single, DVD and as Download, is Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song apropos the mass protest of the British People against Brexit and for a new referendum for remaining in the E.U..

Michel Montecrossa says about his New-Topical-Song ‘Remain! Let‘s Stay Together In The E.U.’:
“Staying together in the E.U. is good for the British people as well as all people of the E.U. and running after Brexit is bad for the British people as well as all people of the E.U..”

Want to know more? Click here.'

‘Talking U.S. Deep Freeze’: Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song Audio Single and DVD calling for real action against climate change

Talking U.S. Deep Freeze

Talking U.S. Deep Freeze’, is Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song, released by Mira Sound Germany on Audio Single and DVD calling for world wide unification of leaders and nations for action against climate change. Michel Montecrossa speaks out in his song: ‘When nature dies we are at the end of our road.’

Michel Montecrossa says:
“‘Talking U.S. Deep Freeze’ is my new song for it’s time to pay the price for doing what is wrong. To polito corruptos and banka gangstas I can only yell: ‘The deep freeze of your ego brings to earth the living hell!’”


’Talking U.S. Deep Freeze’ is my new song / for it’s time to pay the price for doing what is wrong. / ’50 degrees below’ means talking plain and ugly stuff. / We have to change and make climate change stop.
Atmosphere pollution in the end will kill us all, / through Ice Age, Flood and Heat and Storm. / All at once – and all around the globe / leaders and nations must unite for the good of us all.
’Talking U.S. Deep Freeze’ talks of big warning. / You can’t cheat Nature and turn the true into the wrong / by misusing powers of progress for destruction of her Soul. / When nature dies we are at the end of our road.
Progress is true only when it changes climate change. / How much suffering is needed to make us understand? / To polito corruptos and banka gangstas I can only yell: / ’The deep freeze of your ego brings to earth the living hell!’
‘Talking U.S. Deep Freeze’ is my new song for it’s time to pay the price for doing what is wrong. / ‘50 degrees below’ means talking plain and ugly stuff. / We have to change and make climate change stop.
Lyrics & Music: Michel Montecrossa © Mira Sound Germany

Want to know more? Click here.'

‘Talking EU & USA Sanctions Against Russia’: Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song Audio Single and DVD taking a stand against sanctions and for a EU and Russia confederation

Talking EU & USA Sanctions against Russia

Talking EU & USA Sanctions Against Russia‘, is Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song, released by Mira Sound Germany on Audio Single and DVD taking a stand against sanctions and for a EU and Russia confederation as the best way for helping the Ukraine.

Michel Montecrossa says about ‘Talking EU & USA Sanctions Against Russia’:
“I am an idealist and my song ‘Talking EU & USA Sanctions Against Russia’ stands for the ideal of human unity in a world of complicated leaders and suffering people. Not sanctions are the true step but a confederation and free trade zone of EU, USA and Russia are the right thing for a free world, free to work together with every nation, free to choose, free to act for a prosperous EU, USA, Russia and Ukraine and a growing Eurasia.
Merkel and Putin can be the right leaders to achieve that if together they stand on the right side of history.”

Not sanctions are the true step but / a confederation and free trade zone / of EU, USA and Russia / are the right thing for a free Ukraine, / free to do trade with every nation, / free to choose, free to act, / free to evolve into growing Eurasia. / Not sanctions are the true step but / a coming together of us all.
People everywhere want jobs and security. / Sanctions don’t bring security. / Coming together brings security. / Free trade means future economy. / Ukraine is the chance / for the future of EU and USA / and Russia and Eurasia building. / Not sanctions are the true step but / a coming together of us all.
Let wisdom prevail and stop the wrong things. / Germany is number three in war industry, / let it rather be number one in peace economy / and helper for the Eurasian Unity. / Merkel and Putin must meet for that. / For Ukraine this would be the best. / Not sanctions are the true step but / a coming together for the best.
Not sanctions are the true step but / a confederation and free trade zone / of EU, USA and Russia / are the right thing for a free world, / free to work together with every nation, / free to choose, free to act / for a prosperous EU, USA, Russia and Ukraine / and a growing Eurasia. / Merkel and Putin can be the right leaders / to achieve that if together they stand / on the right side of history.
Lyrics & Music: Michel Montecrossa © Mira Sound Germany

Want to know more? Click here.'

‘Talking Brexit – Über Brexit Reden’ – Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song apropos the British ‘no’ to Europe

Talking Brexit - Über Brexit reden
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‘Talking Brexit – Über Brexit Reden’, released by Mira Sound Germany on Audio-CD, DVD and as Download, is Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song apropos the British ‘no’ to Europe which he sees as a totally wrong decision and a crime against the future of the young. Michel Montecrossa sees the EU as an indispensable step towards the Eurasian Union with its great potential for free trade, jobs and prosperity as a way to the United States of Planet Earth.

Michel Montecrossa says about his New-Topical-Song ‘Talking Brexit – Über Brexit Reden’:
“Brexit is totally wrong. Brexit is a crime against the future of the young. My New-Topical-Song ‘Talking Brexit – Über Brexit Reden’ takes a stand for this future and the future of a growing EU of strength and unity opening the doors to Eurasia with its great potential for free trade, jobs and prosperity that a powerful spirit of Human Unity can set free.”

Union is right and Brexit is wrong. / The EU now must strengthen unity. / The EU now must join the Eurasian Union. / This is the answer to the British ‘no’. / This is the answer of Human Unity.
Geeintsein ist richtig und Brexit ist falsch. / Die EU muss jetzt das Geeintsein stärken. / Die EU muss jetzt sich verbinden mit der Eurasischen Union. / Dies ist die Antwort auf das Britische ‘Nein’. / Dies ist die Antwort menschlichen Geeintseins.
Union is right and Brexit is wrong. / The future of the world is unity, / free-trade, jobs and equal wages everywhere. / This is the answer to the British ‘no’. / This is the answer of Human Unity.
Geeintsein ist richtig und Brexit ist falsch. / Die Zukunft der Welt ist Vereinigung, / Freihandel, Jobs und gleiche Löhne überall. / Dies ist die Antwort auf das Britische ‘Nein’. / Dies ist die Antwort menschlichen Geeintseins.
Union is right and Brexit is wrong. / The EU is the light of hope for our children, / the light of hope for cooperation and prosperity. / This is the answer to the British ‘no’. / This is the answer of Human Unity.
Geeintsein ist richtig und Brexit ist falsch. / Die EU ist das Licht der Hoffnung für unsere Kinder, / das Licht der Hoffnung für Zusammenarbeit und Wohlstand. / Dies ist die Antwort auf das Britische ‘Nein’. / Dies ist die Antwort menschlichen Geeintseins.
Union is right and Brexit is wrong. / The EU now must drop Russia-sanctions, / must open the doors for big Eurasia business. / This is the answer to the British ‘no’. / This is the answer of Human Unity.
Geeintsein ist richtig und Brexit ist falsch. / Die EU muss jetzt Russland-Sanktionen beenden, / muss öffnen die Tore für große Eurasien-Geschäfte. / Dies ist die Antwort auf das Britische ‘Nein’. / Dies ist die Antwort menschlichen Geeintseins.
Lyrics & Music: Michel Montecrossa, © Mira Sound Germany

Want to know more? Click here.'

‘Talking: Theresa May, Give Back The European Unity! – Ich Sage: Theresa May, Gib Zurück Die Europäische Einheit!‘ Michel Montecrossa’s No-Brexit Song

Talking: Theresa May, Give Back The European Unity! - Ich Sage: Theresa May, Gib Zurück Die Europäische Einheit!
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The New-Topical-Song ‘Talking: Theresa May, Give Back The European Unity! – Ich Sage: Theresa May, Gib Zurück Die Europäische Einheit!’, released by Mira Sound Germany on Audio Single, DVD and as Download, is Michel Montecrossa’s No-Brexit Song. Michel Montecrossa’s bilingual English/German New-Topical-Song ‘Talking: Theresa May, Give Back The European Unity! – Ich Sage: Theresa May, Gib Zurück Die Europäische Einheit!’ takes a stand for Great Britain staying in the EU.

Michel Montecrossa says about his New-Topical-Song ‘Talking: Theresa May, Give Back The European Unity! – Ich Sage: Theresa May, Gib Zurück Die Europäische Einheit!’:
“Theresa May must stop the Brexit and make Great Britain stay in the European Union. It is the youth oriented decision that is future-proof.”

Theresa May, give back the European Unity! / Scotland wants to stay in the E.U., why not you? / Unity in a world of conflicts is good, / division is bad, creates weakness and losses.
Theresa May, gib zurück die Europäische Einheit! / Schottland will in der E.U. bleiben, warum nicht du? / Einheit in einer Welt der Konflikte ist das Gute, / Teilung ist schlecht, macht schwach und bringt Verluste.
Theresa May, give back the European Unity! / Show stateswomanship and save Great Britain. / Follow the young and not the dangerous old. / Young future means E.U., not Small Britain!
Theresa May, gib zurück die Europäische Einheit! / Zeige Staatsfraukunst und rette Großbritannien. / Folge der Jugend und nicht den gefährlichen Alten. / Jugendzukunft ist die E.U., nicht Klein-Britannien.
In the world of today so much can be done / if the direction is toward world unity, / if the goal are the United States of Planet Earth / and not corrupt backward moves.
In der Welt von heute kann man so viel erreichen, / wenn die Richtung Weltvereinigung heißt, / wenn das Ziel die Vereinigten Staaten des Planeten Erde sind / und nicht korrupte Rückwärtsschritte.
Theresa May, give back the European Unity! / The planet wants to evolve, why not you? / Unity of humanity is good, / disunity is bad, creates conflicts and losses.
Theresa May, gib zurück die Europäische Einheit! / Der Planet will weiterkommen, warum nicht du? / Einheit der Menschen ist gut, / Uneinigkeit ist schlecht, schafft Streit und Verluste.
Lyrics & Music: Michel Montecrossa, © Mira Sound Germany

Want to know more? Click here.'

‘Remain! Let’s Stay Together In The E.U.’ Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song apropos the mass protest of the British People against Brexit

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Remain! Let‘s Stay Together In The E.U.‘ released by Mira Sound Germany on Audio Single, DVD and as Download, is Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song apropos the mass protest of the British People against Brexit and for remaining in the E.U..

Michel Montecrossa says about his New-Topical-Song ‘Remain! Let‘s Stay Together In The E.U.’:
“Staying together in the E.U. is good for the British people as well as all people of the E.U. and running after Brexit is bad for the British people as well as all people of the E.U..”

Want to know more? Click here.'

‘Annegret Bringt Es!’ – Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song apropos Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer

Annegret Bringt Es!
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Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song ‘Annegret Bringt Es!’, released by Mira Sound Germany on Audio-CD, DVD and as Download, was created apropos Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer’s appearance on the political stage as bringer of hope for a new German politics.

Michel Montecrossa about ‘Annegret Bringt Es!’:
“The New-Topical-Song ’Annegret Bringt Es!’ sings of the hope for the coming of a new German politics leading towards Eurasia and the flowering of transatlantic economy, as steps towards World Union and World Peace which can be brought by Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer.”

ANNEGRET BRINGT ES! (Apropos: Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer)
Annegret bringt es: / Politik mit Herz, / statt Polito-Schmerz, / Zusammenhalt / statt Auseinanderfall.
Annegret bringt es: / mehr Liebe statt Hiebe, / kein Sand im Getriebe, / das Beste für alle / ohne Fascho-Falle.
Annegret bringt es: / Europastärke für / Handlungsstärke / Eurasien- und / transatlantisch weit.
Annegret bringt es: / die stabile Frau / in der Männer-Runde, / die weibliche Kraft, / die weiß, wie man es macht.
Annegret bringt es: / Politik mit Herz, / statt Polito-Schmerz, / Zusammenhalt / statt Auseinanderfall.
Lyrics & Music: Michel Montecrossa, © Mira Sound Germany

Want to know more? Click here.'

‘Annegret Bringt Es!’ – Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song apropos Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer

Annegret Bringt Es!
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Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song ‘Annegret Bringt Es!’, veröffentlicht von Mira Sound Germany auf Audio-CD, DVD und als Download, entstand anlässlich Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauers Erscheinen auf der politischen Bühne als Hoffnungsträgerin für eine neue deutsche Politik.

Michel Montecrossa über ‘Annegret Bringt Es!’:
“Der New-Topical-Song ‘Annegret Bringt Es!’ besingt die Hoffnung auf das Kommen einer neuen deutschen Politik in Richtung Eurasien und transatlantische Wirtschaftsblüte, als Schritte in Richtung Weltvereinigung und Weltfrieden, die Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer bringen kann.”

ANNEGRET BRINGT ES! (Apropos: Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer)
Annegret bringt es: / Politik mit Herz, / statt Polito-Schmerz, / Zusammenhalt / statt Auseinanderfall.
Annegret bringt es: / mehr Liebe statt Hiebe, / kein Sand im Getriebe, / das Beste für alle / ohne Fascho-Falle.
Annegret bringt es: / Europastärke für / Handlungsstärke / Eurasien- und / transatlantisch weit.
Annegret bringt es: / die stabile Frau / in der Männer-Runde, / die weibliche Kraft, / die weiß, wie man es macht.
Annegret bringt es: / Politik mit Herz, / statt Polito-Schmerz, / Zusammenhalt / statt Auseinanderfall.
Lyrics & Music: Michel Montecrossa, © Mira Sound Germany

Want to know more? Click here.'

Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song & Movie ‘When I Lost It All You Lost It Too – Als Ich Alles Verlor Hast Auch Du Es Verloren’

When I Lost Ist All You Lost It Too

‘When I Lost It All You Lost It Too – Als Ich Alles Verlor Hast Auch Du Es Verloren’, released by Mira Sound Germany on Audio-CD, DVD and as Download, is Michel Montecrossa’s bilingual English/Deutsch New-Topical-Song & Movie about winning against the melancholy of a separation with the tender strength of enduring love.

‘When I Lost It All You Lost It Too – Als Ich Alles Verlor Hast Auch Du Es Verloren’, veröffentlicht von Mira Sound Germany auf Audio-CD, DVD und als Download, ist Michel Montecrossa’s zweisprachiger English/Deutsch New-Topical-Song & Movie über die Bewältigung der Melancholie einer Trennung durch die siegreich zärtliche Kraft ausdauernder Liebe.

Michel Montecrossa about his New-Topical-Song & music movie ‘When I Lost It All You Lost It Too – Als Ich Alles Verlor Hast Auch Du Es Verloren’:
“My New-Topical-Song ‘When I Lost It All You Lost It Too’ is a deeply empathic song and movie about the seeking and finding after a dire separation.
‘Als Ich Alles Verlor Hast Auch Du Es Verloren’ ist ein zutiefst einfühlsamer Song und Movie über das Suchen und Finden nach einer schlimmen Trennung.”

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‘Putin & Trump Can Do It’ Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song apropos the Putin & Trump meeting in Helsinki and what they could do

Putin & Trump Can Do It
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‘Putin & Trump Can Do It’, released by Mira Sound Germany on Audio Single, DVD and as Download, is Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song apropos Putin & Trump meeting in Helsinki and what they could do.

Michel Montecrossa about his New-Topical-Song ‘Putin & Trump Can Do It’:
“The ‘Russian bear’ Putin and the ‘stable genius’ Trump can bring the United States of Planet Earth into existence if they make Russia-Eurasia and the U.S.A. work together for this achievement.”

Putin and Trump can do it. / They can build good relations. / They can bring together / Eurasia and America.
Putin and Trump can do it. / They can solve the Islamic riddle, / they can bring Global Free Trade, / they can bring progress and prosperity.
Putin and Trump can do it. / They can bring stable power. / They can bring stable peace. / They can bring World Unity.
Putin and Trump can do it. / They can build together / Space Age and the / United States of Planet Earth.
Lyrics & Music: Michel Montecrossa, © Mira Sound Germany

Want to know more? Click here.'

‘Talking U.S.A. Kids Don’t Want To Be Killed’ – Michel Montecrossa’s Maxi-Single dedicated to ‘The March For Our Lives’

Talking U.S.A. Kids Don't Want To Be Killed
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‘Talking U.S.A. Kids Don’t Want To Be Killed’, released by Mira Sound Germany on Audio-Maxi-Single, DVD and as Download, is Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song Maxi-Single dedicated to ‘The March For Our Lives’ in Washington DC and all over the world. It is Michel Montecrossa’s strong statement for peace and love replacing self-radicalization and irrational mass killing in the USA and all over the world. The three songs of the Maxi Single take a stand for a young future of goodwill, hope and prosperity through creative peace activities uniting the youth of the world for a better tomorrow. In the three songs‚ ‘Talking U.S.A. Kids Don’t Want To Be Killed‘, ‘I Want To Live – Ich Will Leben #2‘, ‘Song For The Festival Of Love‘ (The Spirit of Woodstock Festival Song 2018 in Mirapuri, Italy) Michel Montecrossa expresses his heartfelt call for the victory of love and peace on our globe.

Michel Montecrossa about the Audio-Maxi-Single ‘Talking U.S.A. Kids Don’t Want To Be Killed’:
“With the Audio-Maxi-Single ‘Talking U.S.A. Kids Don’t Want To Be Killed’ I present 3 New-Topical-Songs dedicated to ‘The March For Our Lives’ of the U.S.A. kids taking to the streets of Washington DC to demand that their lives and safety become a priority and that gun violence and mass shootings are ended in the schools and communities.
The titles of the songs are: Talking U.S.A. Kids Don’t Want To Be Killed, I Want To Live – Ich Will Leben #2, Song For The Festival Of Love (The Spirit of Woodstock Festival Song 2018 in Mirapuri, Italy).”

U.S.A. kids and kids of the world / go to the streets and yell it now: / “We don’t want to be killed! / Politos, take action for the young future!”
The young are the future, not rifle business. / Young life builds the future, not the dangerous old. / U.S.A. kids and kids of the world: / Unite for building the Peace and Love World.
Don’t create wars, but world unity. / Build islands of light-cities of hope / that will cure self-radicalization / through prosperity, freedom and the love-action.
U.S.A. kids and kids of the world / go to the streets and yell it now: / “We don’t want to be killed! / Politos, take action for the living future!”
Music & lyrics by Michel Montecrossa, © Mira Sound Germany

I want to live – always more. / I want to live – down to the core. / I want to live – down to the bone. / I want to live, I want to be strong.
Ich will leben – immer mehr. / Ich will leben – den ganzen Weg. / Ich will leben – stark und stärker. / Ich will leben, nicht nur Überleben.
I want to live – to love you strong. / I want to live – to be young. / I want to live – futureproof. / I want to live, for you to be the clue.
Ich will leben – um dich zu lieben. / Ich will leben – jungen Frieden. / Ich will leben – zukunftssicher. / Ich will leben und sein deines Rätsels Lösung.
Music & lyrics by Michel Montecrossa, © Mira Sound Germany

(The Spirit of Woodstock Festival Song 2018 in Mirapuri, Italy)
The Festival is a-callin’ again, / its Song resounds all over the land! / It’s the Song of Love that never ends, / the Song for the Festival, the Song for all friends!
The Spirit of Love is dancing sweet / with our souls so tender and free, / is diving deep into our body feel, / making earth and heaven into one simple kiss.
The Spirit of Woodstock Festival in Mirapuri / brings the days of wonder and all / that makes you shine and feel so fine / that surely you will sing with us all and smile.
It’s time to let loose and give truth a good time, / relax and feel strong with peace that unites. / Let’s sing the Song for the Festival of Love, / the Spirit of Woodstock Festival in Mirapuri, of course!
Music & lyrics by Michel Montecrossa, © Mira Sound Germany

Want to know more? Click here.'

‘4 Songs for Chancellor Angela Merkel’- Michel Montecrossa’s Maxi-Single apropos her oath of office

4 Songs For Chancellor Angela Merkel
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‘4 Songs for Chancellor Angela Merkel’, released by Mira Sound Germany on Audio-Maxi-Single and as Download, is Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song Collection Maxi-Single apropos her oath of office. The 4 songs express Michel Montecrossa’s good wishes for Chancellor Angela Merkel and her work for Germany. The songs are performed in English and German language and have the following titles: ‘Talking Angela And Germany – Über Angela Und Deutschland Reden’, ‘Talking New German Government’, ‘Angela Must Act Now – Angela Muss Jetzt Handeln!’, ‘Talking Germany Today – Über Deutschland Heute Sprechen’.

Michel Montecrossa says about the Audio-Maxi-Single ‘4 Songs for Chancellor Angela Merkel’ apropos her oath of office:
“These songs are meant to be stimulations for Chancellor Angela Merkel and the building of Germany’s Future.”

“Diese Lieder sollen Anregungen sein für die Kanzlerin Angela Merkel und die Gestaltung von Deutschlands Zukunft.”

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‘Talking America First Is A Good Idea’ – Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song apropos Donald Trump’s Speech at the World Economic Forum Annual Meeting 2018 in Davos

Talking America First Is A Good Idea
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With his New-Topical-Song ‘Talking America First Is A Good Idea’, released by Mira Sound Germany on Audio-CD, DVD and as Download, apropos Donald Trump’s speech at the World Economic Forum Annual Meeting 2018 in Davos, Michel Montecrossa expresses his hope that the people of the USA and their president Donald Trump understand the importance of the USA for the future of the world. The world destiny of the USA, as Michel Montecrossa sees it, is not Americanism, but to be a leader on the way to building the United States of Planet Earth which would be a free World Union expressing a complex unity based on diversity and free self-determination. According to Michel Montecrossa it is up to the people of the USA and their president Donald Trump to work for the realization of this noble vision and to understand the true historic meaning of the USA and do the best for its fulfillment.

Michel Montecrossa says about his New-Topical-Song ‘Talking America First Is A Good Idea’:
“At the time when I wrote my New-Topical-Song ‘Talking America First Is A Good Idea’ Donald Trump became the President of the USA. With this election it is up to the people of the USA and their president Donald Trump to give to the slogan ‘America First’ its true meaning as a first step to World Unity, as a moment of reflection on humanity and the world’s need for peace, sharing and giving. ‘America First’ is a good idea if it means a moment of gathering strength to evolve the USA into a considerate and compassionate nation of wisdom and joy that is truly capable of building a better tomorrow of Love, Peace and Freedom for all the world. I hope that the future of the USA is not the future of Americanism, but a future of safety, prosperity and peace for all nations which is responsibly protected by the USA as the most powerful nation on present earth.
On the occasion of Donald Trump’s speech at the World Economic Forum Annual Meeting 2018 in Davos my New-Topical-Song ‘Talking America First Is A Good Idea’ again stands up with its hopeful outlook on the future of the USA and the world at large.”

“America First!” is a good idea / if it’s the first step to World Unity, / the Unity of the Americas, / of Europe and Eurasia / and the first step of building / the United States of Planet Earth.
“America First!” is a good idea / if it’s a moment of reflection on humanity, / on the world’s need for peace, / sharing and giving / and looking forward to / the United States of Planet Earth, you know.
“America First!” is a good idea / if it means a country of warmth and generosity, / of safety, prosperity and peace / as the first step of building / the United States of Planet Earth.
“America First!” is a good idea / if it don’t mean violence, / if it don’t mean hatred and oppression / but a better tomorrow / of love, peace and freedom for all the world.
“America First!” is a good idea / if it means a country of wisdom and joy, / a country that’s considerate and compassionate / and on the way to building / the United States of Planet Earth.
“America First!” is a good idea / if it’s a moment of reflection on humanity, / on the world’s need for peace, / sharing and giving / and bringing nearer / the United States of Planet Earth, you know.
Lyrics & Music: Michel Montecrossa, © Mira Sound Germany

Want to know more? Click here.'

‘Talking Angela And Germany – Über Angela Und Deutschland Reden’ Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song Apropos GroKo, the Grand Coalition in Germany

Talking Angela and Germany
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‘Talking Angela And Germany – Über Angela Und Deutschland Reden’, released by Mira Sound Germany on Audio Single, DVD and as Download, is Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song Apropos GroKo, the Grand Coalition in Germany. Michel Montecrossa in his New-Topical-Song says that at a crossroads hour of European history Germany needs a Grand Coalition for creating a strong government. In his view Germany with Chancellor Angela Merkel must be efficiently capable to work together with France and its President Emmanuel Macron for expansion of European unity into an EU and Eurasia culture and free trade association. Michel Montecrossa sees that the structure of world powers at present is polarizing and creating two main zones of global influence: the EU-Eurasia culture- and free trade continent with Merkel and Macron as two of the main players on the one side and the USA and England grouping with Trump and May on the other side. With this polarization gaining always more momentum it is of greatest importance that Germany gets a stable and strong government through an effective Grand Coalition.

Michel Montecrossa about the New-Topical-Song ‘Talking Angela And Germany – Über Angela Und Deutschland Reden’:
“The New-Topical-Song ‘Talking Angela And Germany – Über Angela Und Deutschland Reden’ was written when Germany had to find a Grand Coalition that looks beyond narrow political party concepts to create a new German government capable of leading together with France the European Union into a new era of an EU-Eurasia culture- and free trade continent.”

‘Talking Angela And Germany – Über Angela Und Deutschland Reden’, veröffentlicht von Mira Sound Germany auf Audio Single, DVD und als Download, ist Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song apropos GroKo, die Große Koalition in Deutschland. Michel Montecrossa sagt in seinem New-Topical-Song ‘Talking Angela And Germany – Über Angela Und Deutschland Reden’, dass Deutschland in der gegenwärtigen Entscheidungsstunde europäischer Geschichte eine Große Koalition braucht, um eine starke Regierung zu bilden. Nach seiner Ansicht muss Deutschland mit der Kanzlerin Angela Merkel effizient in der Lage sein gemeinsam mit Frankreich und dessen Präsidenten Emmanuel Macron für die Ausweitung des europäischen Geeintseins in eine EU und Eurasien Kultur- und Freihandelsverbindung zusammen arbeiten zu können. Michel Montecrossa sieht, dass sich die Struktur der Weltmächte gegenwärtig polarisiert und zwei Hauptzonen globalen Einflusses hervorbringt: den EU-Eurasien Kultur- und Freihandelskontinent mit Merkel und Macron als zwei der Hauptgestalter auf der einen Seite und der USA und England Gruppierung mit Trump und May auf der anderen Seite. Wegen dieser immer ausgeprägter werdenden Polarisierung und ihrer Auswirkungen ist es von größter Bedeutung, dass Deutschland eine stabile und starke Regierung durch eine leistungsfähige Große Koalition erhält.

Michel Montecrossa über seinen New-Topical-Song ‘Talking Angela And Germany – Über Angela Und Deutschland Reden’:
“Der New-Topical-Song ‘Talking Angela And Germany – Über Angela Und Deutschland Reden’ entstand als Deutschland eine Große Koalition finden musste, die über enge politische Parteikonzepte hinausblickt, um eine neue deutsche Regierung zu bilden, die fähig ist, gemeinsam mit Frankreich, die Europäische Union in eine neue Ära des EU-Eurasien Kultur- und Freihandelskontinents zu führen.”

Angela now is in the GroKo round. / Angela ist jetzt in der GroKo Runde. / Grand coalition and no taboos. / Große Koalition und keine Tabus.
Angela, be Europe-strong! / Angela, sei Europa-stark! / Angela, bring Turkey to the table! / Angela, bring die Türkei an den Tisch!
Angela, boost big Eurasia business! / Angela, stärke große Eurasien-Geschäfte! / Angela, create big immigrants’ education! / Angela, schaffe große Einwanderer Ausbildung!
Angela, make Germany the know-how leader! / Angela, mache Deutschland zum Know-how Führer! / Angela, make Germany the World-Free-Trade leader! / Angela, mache Deutschland zum Welt-Freihandels Führer!
Angela, be a world-unifier! / Angela, sei eine Weltvereinigerin! / Angela, don‘t miss the EU-Eurasia chance! / Angela, verpass nicht die EU-Eurasien Gelegenheit!
Make Germany a partner for peace and future building! / Mache Deutschland zum Partner für Friedens- und Zukunftsschaffung! / Freedom and Unity is what the world today needs! / Freiheit und Einssein braucht die heutige Welt!
Lyrics & Music: Michel Montecrossa, © Mira Sound Germany

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‘Ist Schulz Weise – Is Schulz The Wise One?’ New-Topical-Song Apropos Schulz & Merkel Coalition Battle 2017

Ist Schulz Weise - Is Schulz The Wise One?
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‘Ist Schulz Weise – Is Schulz The Wise One?’, veröffentlicht von Mira Sound Germany auf Audio Single, DVD und als Download, ist Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song apropos Schulz & Merkel Koalitions Battle 2017.
‘Ist Schulz Weise – Is Schulz The Wise One?’ entstand inmitten der deutschen Schulz/Merkel Koalitions Battle 2017 und der Entscheidung für Staatsmann Kultur, die gut für Deutschland ist oder für Polito-Korrupto Opportunismus, der schlecht für Deutschland ist.

‘Ist Schulz Weise – Is Schulz The Wise One?’, released by Mira Sound Germany on Audio Single, DVD and as Download, is Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song apropos Schulz & Merkel Coalition Battle 2017.
‘Ist Schulz Weise – Is Schulz The Wise One?’ was written right in the middle of the German Schulz/Merkel Coalition Battle 2017 and the decision for Statesmanship that’s good for Germany or Polito-Corrupto opportunism that’s bad for Germany.

Michel Montecrossa sagt über seinen New-Topical-Song ‘Ist Schulz Weise – Is Schulz The Wise One?’:
“Der Unterschied zwischen einem Staatsmann und einem Polito-Korrupto ist, dass ein Staatsmann für das Wohl der Nation arbeitet und ein Polito-Korrupto nur für sein eigenes Wohlergehen.
Vor diesem Hintergrund musste Deutschland 2017 die historische Entscheidung für eine handlungsfähige Koalition und das Gewinnertor treffen oder für einen Polito-Korrupto Opportunismus und das Verlierertor.
In meinem New-Topical-Song ‘Ist Schulz Weise – Is Schulz The Wise One?’ singe ich über diese Entscheidung.”

Michel Montecrossa says about his New-Topical-Song ‘Ist Schulz Weise – Is Schulz The Wise One?’:
“The difference between a Statesman and a Polito-Corrupto is that a statesman works for the good of the Nation and a Polito-Corrupto works only for his own good.
Before this background Germany 2017 had to make the historic decision for an effective coalition and the Winner-Door or for a Polito-Corrupto opportunism and the Loser-Door.
That’s what my New-Topical-Song ‘Ist Schulz Weise – Is Schulz The Wise One?’ is about.”

(Apropos Schulz & Merkel Coalition)

Kann enttäuschte Liebe zu Freundschaft werden? / Ist Schulz weise, bereit mit Merkel zu reden? / Müssen alte Leute immer gefährlich sein, / uncool und unbeweglich?
Can disappointed love turn into friendship? / Is Schulz the wise one, ready to talk with Merkel? / Must old people always be dangerous, / uncool and so frozen?
Jung sein heißt lebendig sein, / offen zum frohen Leben. / Ist Schulz weise, bereit mit Merkel zu reden? / Deutschland, Europa und die ganze Welt erwarten das. / Politik ist kein Erwachsenen Kindergarten.
To be young means to be living, / open to the happy life. / Is Schulz the wise one, ready to talk with Merkel? / Germany, Europe and the whole world expect it. / Politics is not a kindergarten for grown-ups.
Alte Leute müssen nicht gefährlich sein / und im Wege stehen dem jungen Leben. / Ist Schulz weise, bereit mit Merkel zu reden? / Zusammenarbeit ist jetzt gefragt für ein starkes Deutschland.
Old people don’t have to be dangerous / and stand in the way of young life. / Is Schulz the wise one, ready to talk with Merkel? / Cooperation now is needed for a strong Germany.
Lyrics & Music: Michel Montecrossa, © Mira Sound Germany

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What Can We Do To Change The Climate Change? – Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song dedicated to the 2017 United Nations Climate Change Conference in Bonn and to all victims of climate change

What Can We Do To Change The Climage Change?
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Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song ‘What Can We Do To Change The Climate Change?’, released by Mira Sound Germany on Audio-CD, DVD and as Download, is dedicated to the 2017 United Nations Climate Change Conference in Bonn and to all victims of climate change. Michel Montecrossa is the New-Topical-Song writer who founded Mirapuri – the City of Peace and Futureman in Europe, Italy as one of the most outstanding centers of action for changing the climate change. His song ‘What Can We Do To Change The Climate Change?’ is a poignant call to do the right thing for the future of the earth before it is too late.

For more about Mirapuri see:

Michel Montecrossa about ‘What Can We Do To Change The Climate Change?’:
“Dedicated to the 2017 United Nations Climate Change Conference in Bonn and dedicated to all victims of climate change, sending the ultimate climate change warning to every government and to every climate change conference, my New-Topical-Song ‘What Can We Do To Change The Climate Change?’ is singing: We must do the right thing for the future of the earth before it is too late.”

What can we do to change the climate change? / First thing for sure is consciousness change. / We must grow in awareness and practice habit change / that’s what we can do to change the climate change.
What can I do to change the climate change? / First thing for sure is consciousness change. / I grow in awareness and lend a helping hand. / That‘s what I do to change the climate change.
What can we do to bring the wrong to an end? / I say, let’s take the direction away / from doom and deadly games / towards deep understanding of truth and action / that’s what we can do to bring the wrong to an end.
Consciousness growth is my evolving truth, / leads to love and vision free of egoism, / leads to wisdom of union and working together. / Yes, consciousness growth is my evolving truth.
Climate change will change if we come together / to build places of green ways to handle the future / and learn to be human, peaceful and strong. / Climate change will change if it‘s that what we want.
That’s what I do together with my friends, / building a city for futureman / where the best of today meets the future-forces / coming from our inner resources,
where love is the master and soul the key / to creation boundless and free, / where consciousness meets consciousness and sees, / ‘cause love is the master and soul is the key.
This place is Mirapuri, the place for you and me / to set an example and give proof and the key / that ecology works and consciousness is great. / This place is Mirapuri, it‘s a conscious place
where unity is true and young the drive / to find the good way of kindness bright / that is healthy and progressive, saves the climate and our life. / Unity is true and young change, I say, is right.
This is Mirapuri, it’s my pounding life. / It’s my message of encouraging love and light / of a better world ending climate change night. / This is Mirapuri, well, it‘s the helping might.
What can we do to change the climate change? / First thing for sure is consciousness change. / We must grow in awareness and practice habit change / that’s what we can do to change the climate change.
And what can I do to change the climate change? / First thing I know is consciousness change. / I grow in awareness and lend a helping hand. / That’s what I do to change the climate change.
Lyrics & Music: Michel Montecrossa, © Mira Sound Germany

Want to know more? Click here.'

My Heart Is Bleedin’ is a song by Michel Montecrossa dedicated to all people traumatized by earthquakes from Christchurch to Iran-Iraq border and the whole world

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‘My Heart Is Bleedin’’ is a song dedicated by Michel Montecrossa to all people traumatized by earthquakes from Christchurch to Iran-Iraq border and the whole world. With this comforting and heartfelt song Michel Montecrossa calls for global Human Unity and standing together for easing and solving the many problems which tell us not to be egoistic but soulful and loving.

Michel Montecrossa says about ‘My Heart Is Bleedin’’ :
“With my New-Topical-Song ‘My Heart Is Bleedin’’ I turn with compassion and love to all victims of earthquakes from Christchurch to Japan to Nepal and so many places. It is a call for global Human Unity and standing together for easing and solving the many problems which tell us not to be egoistic but soulful and loving. ‘My Heart Is Bleedin’’ was originally written when the Christchurch earthquake in New Zealand happened, but it is a song carrying the universal meaning of Love and with this Love it is also full-heartedly dedicated to the people of Iran-Iraq border and wherever people suffer.”

Many thanks for sharing your song and kind words and thoughts.
Best regards,

NHK appreciates the overwhelming response from around the world and would like to thank you for your words of encouragement and concern for the current situation in Japan.
We are committed to gathering the latest news about the earthquake disaster and will keep our viewers up to date.
Thank you once again for your message.

Herzlichen Dank für Ihre Anteilnahme an den gegenwärtigen Ereignissen in Japan. Die japanische Regierung erbringt momentan grösstmögliche Anstrengungen, um in Zusammenarbeit mit der internationalen Gemeinschaft diese noch nie da gewesene Herausforderung zu meistern.
Mit bestem Dank und freundlichen Grüssen
Japanische Botschaft in der Schweiz

Message from the Japanese Embassy regarding Michel Montecrossa’s song ‘ My Heart Is Bleedin’: Wir danken Ihnen herzlich für Anteilnahme und Unterstützung angesichts der furchtbaren Ereignisse in Japan.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Botschaft von Japan

The street is all dusty, rubble’s everywhere. / The quake hit us for the end game. / I know no direction, no way to go. / My heart is a-bleedin’, I miss you so.
The house where we loved is all gone. / Somewhere in the ruins memories still moan. / What will be tomorrow? I don’t know. / I know no direction, no way any more. / My heart is a-bleedin’, I miss you so.
Pain is tearin’ my heart / but then I see you there. / You are not gone, you are somewhere. / I feel your love from there, / my soul you want to save. / I know no direction, except to the Lord. / My heart is a-bleedin’, I miss you so.
Lyrics & Music: Michel Montecrossa, © Mira Sound Germany

Want to know more? Click here.'

‘Die Schönen Bilder, Die Im Herzen Wohnen – The Beautiful Visions Living In The Heart’ Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song apropos mass killing

Die Schönen Bilder, Die Im Herzen Wohnen – The Beautiful Visions Living In The Heart
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With his New-Topical-Song ‘Die Schönen Bilder, Die Im Herzen Wohnen – The Beautiful Visions Living In The Heart’, released by Mira Sound Germany on Audio-CD, DVD and as Download, Michel Montecrossa gives a true answer to the question of violence and mass killing as it happened in Texas at the Sutherland Springs church shooting.

Michel Montecrossa says about his New-Topical-Song ’Die Schönen Bilder, Die Im Herzen Wohnen – The Beautiful Visions Living In The Heart’:
“‘The Beautiful Visions Living In The Heart’ is a song I wrote about the ‘love from heaven born’ which alone can save us from becoming killers and evil-doers. I dedicate this song to all victims of the Sutherland Springs church shooting in Texas.”

Die schönen Bilder, die im Herzen wohnen, / die Bilder der Liebe himmelgeboren, / kommend von dem Ort ohne Kummer und Sorgen: / Ich zeig sie dir alle für dich und deinen Morgen.
The beautiful visions living in the heart, / the visions of love from heaven born, / coming from the place free of pain and sorrow: / I show them all to you for your tomorrow.
Die Bilder werden zu Gedanken, die leuchten, / Gedanken über uns und was wir werden können. / Wie Sterne sind wir dann hell in der Nacht, / strahlend für alle mit Liebesmacht.
Visions becoming thoughts of light / about us and what we can become. / Like stars are we then bright in the night: / shining for all with loving might.
Durch das Leben eilen wir wie Kinder / und werden für immer Kinder sein: / in der Liebe geeint, auf die Freude vertrauend, / aus der glücklichen Träne das Lachen zaubernd.
Like children we hurry through life / and forever like children will fly: / in love united, trusting in hope, / setting free the happy tear of laughing.
Die schönen Bilder, die im Herzen wohnen, / die Bilder der Liebe himmelgeboren, / kommend von dem Ort ohne Kummer und Sorgen: / Ich zeig sie dir alle für dich und deinen Morgen.
The beautiful visions living in the heart, / the visions of love from heaven born, / coming from the place free of pain and sorrow: / I show them all to you for your tomorrow.
Lyrics & Music: Michel Montecrossa, © Mira Sound Germany

Want to know more? Click here.'

Top Topical Part Six – Michel Montecrossa’s 17 New-Topical-Songs & Movies on DVD, Audio-CD and as Download

Top Topical, Part Six
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Michel Montecrossa says about the ‘Top Topical’ Song & Movie Series’:
“The ‘Top Topical’ Song and Movie Series continues my heart’s vision call for action through powerful bilingual English-German New-Topical-Songs ranging from ‘After 100 Days – Nach 100 Tagen’ to ‘What The European Union Must Do Now – Was Die Europäische Union Jetzt Machen Muss’.
My New-Topical-Songs are stimulating, awareness songs that can make you think and can assist you in consciousness expansion. They transport the values of the True, the Right and the Vast on the way to the United States of Planet Earth, taking a stand for high ethics and bringing it to the streets. They stand for the Living Celebration of Humanity and the life of happy generations embraced by the warmth of love on a United Earth. They stand for safe homes where mothers and fathers together with their children of hope can live and look towards a prosperous future of Peace, Progress and Fulfillment.”

The 17 songs are released on Audio-CD, DVD or as Download by Mira Sound Germany and Filmaur Multimedia and include masterpieces like ‘I Have A Vision’, ‘Singin’ For The Young – Für Die Jugend Singen’, ‘Pulse Of Europe Song’ and ‘Angela Must Act Now – Angela Muss Jetzt Handeln!’ and many more.

Want to know more? Click here.'

‘Talking New German Government’: Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song Audio Single and DVD apropos the Future of Germany

Talking New German Government
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‘Talking New German Government’, is Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song, released by Mira Sound Germany on Audio Single and DVD apropos the Future of Germany. It is a strong statement by Michel Montecrossa about what Germany could do and be in the world of today and tomorrow. His song is a reality reflection coming straight to the point of what German people are worried about, touching the hot spots of a two-class society, loss of savings, high living cost, war industry, substandard wages, education, future of the young and existential fears. Michel Montecrossa looks at all these burning questions and shows the solution in a vast and liberal way.

Michel Montecrossa says:
“Let’s hope that Germany fulfills its true meaning in the world.”

What will the new German government do? / Will it rise taxes to make the less rich more poor? / Will it increase living cost to send the people into poverty? / Will it create the armies of modern day slaves, / forced to work for a crumb of bread? / What will the new German government do?
What will the new German government do? / Will it follow the old Banka Gangsta rules? / Will it help to take away the peoples’s piggy bank? / Will it help to increase interest for loans? / What will the new German government do?
What the new German government must do / is to decrease the living cost for everything and all / to create wages that can compete with the wages of the world / so that production cost falls and living standard rises. / That’s what the new German government must do.
And what more must the new German government do? / To stand for Peace and Space Age and not war industry, / To stand for the Ideal of Human Unity / by helping to create the United States of Planet Earth. / That’s what the new German government must do.
And that’s what the new German government must understand: / Equal wages in the whole world create jobs for all. / Space Age industry instead of war field industry / brings Peace and Progress for happy families / and the building of the United States of Planet Earth.
And real value banking based on real work and product / will end the evil circle of crime and poverty. / Education must be wide and free to bring the end of slavery / and to lead the young into a lasting world of peace. / That’s what a new German government must see.
I’m the singing newsman and spokesman for the people / and the people want to have in a civilized way / safe access to food, water, sleep and sex / and for that any government must do the right thing / and the right thing is a True and Vast Intelligence.
That’s what the new German government must achieve: / Intelligence that leads to Love and Harmony, / Intelligence that leads to Respect and Loyalty, / Intelligence that cares for the People’s Need. / Soul-Intelligence is what the new German government will need.
Lyrics & Music: Michel Montecrossa © Mira Sound Germany

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