Politos and bankas don’t give the answer.
There’s a hard and hungry way everywhere.
No India-Agni-Rocket can give you safety.
Five millions in the Sahel-Zone are about to die.
The rich and the ugly get harder and will not cry.
Honour is with the poor and their souls like diamonds
in the midst of land and water grabbing
for export of food not given to the hungry.
The spirit of humanity lives through the downtrodden.
I see billions of eyes of the nameless and young,
of intelligence and hope in the mud of slums,
of mothers and fathers and their loved ones.
Politos and bankas don’t give the answer.
There’s a hard and hungry way everywhere.
No closing of borders can give you safety.
Millions on the run need human unity.
The rich and the ugly get harder and will not cry.
Honour is with the poor and their souls like diamonds
in the midst of drought and climate change,
smitten with poverty and pain without end.
The spirit of humanity lives through the downtrodden.
I see billions of eyes of the nameless and young,
of nature and soul in the mud of slums,
of mothers and fathers and their loved ones.
Politos and bankas don’t give the answer.
There’s a hard and hungry way everywhere.
No Syria-Style-Tyrant can give you safety.
No nuclear war can give peace and liberty.
The rich and the ugly get harder and will not cry.
Honour is with the poor and their souls like diamonds
in the midst of wars and drugs and crimes,
cheated, mistreated, knowing the song that never dies.
The spirit of humanity lives through the downtrodden.
I see billions of eyes of the nameless and young,
seeing the vision in the mud of slums
of living mothers and fathers and their loved ones.
Lyrics & Music: Michel Montecrossa, © Mira Sound Germany