The world is unfree without the way of love,
pain there is and dark are the gods.
The oracle is there deep within your heart
that sings with the voice of the child of love.
The world is like a huntsman having one eye left,
one eye, but it‘s the eye of Odin great.
It‘s the eye that sees men, dogs and horses fall
and systems of power that are weak and small.
Man‘s world is forced to work, though weak,
the weakest it is in all that seems.
But still there is something in this world
waiting for love‘s oracle to throw the spell.
The something at which our heart rejoices,
the something that opens our ears to the voices.
The something that makes us listen to life
and gives us vision of the Golden Bride.
Free in the world we are the oracle revealed,
the oracle finding the tale in everything,
the silent thought in every sweet in between.
The oracle of love ain‘t no tale, it‘s too deep within.
One summer-day I happened to see
the old world doing all it could
about the root of the universe-tree;
so vain was the endeavor in front of the forever
that tears into my eyes were brought.
I struck, and with a single blow
tangled roots into the open grew
of vastness of love forever new:
a world forever new with freedom pure –
our freedom! Coming forth into the light of things,
coming with ready dreams of souls that are blessed
with love‘s oracle, the oracle of the best.
Lyrics & Music: Michel Montecrossa, © Mira Sound Germany