Joy & Love Rock New Year Party and Concert 2024 with Michel Montecrossa, Mirakali and The New Chosen Few in the Omnidiet Music-Hall in Mirapuri

Joy & Love Rock New Year Concert

31st December 2023 – 1st January 2024
22:30 – 24:00
in the Omnidiet Music-Hall
Via Monte Falò 8
28011 Mirapuri-Coiromonte
(Prov. di Novara), Italy
Phone: ++39-0322-999009

Michel Montecrossa about the New Year Party and Concert 2024:
“Welcome to the JOY & LOVE ROCK New Year Party And Concert 2024 in Mirapuri!
Let’s celebrate! Great Joy is the origin of generous Love, the Love that embraces us all and leads us to the great Joy that ends all conflicts and sufferings in the happiness of unity and oneness.”

On Sunday 31st December the JOY & LOVE ROCK New Year party and concert will lead you into January 1st 2024 with the happy feeling of new Cyberdance, Cyberrock and Orgastica-DJ love songs by Michel Montecrossa, Mirakali and The New Chosen Few.
The New Year Concert takes place in the Omnidiet Music-Hall in Mirapuri from 22:30 till 24:00.

On Monday, 1st January, 2 o’clock in the afternoon, you can come to the Miravinci – the meditation centre of Mirapuri – for the distribution of the Mirapuri calendar for the year 2024 and the premiere of the recording of Michel Montecrossa’s Song Symphony ‘The New Mirapuri Year Of The Mother’s Power And Strength Of Joy’ including the uplifting New Year Message Recitation for 2024 by Mira Alfassa – The Mother:

“Joy! Joy means to live in the Truth, to live in communion with Eternity, with
the true Life, the Light that never fails. Joy means to be free, free with the
true Freedom, the Freedom of the constant, invariable union
with the Divine Will.“

Want to know more? Click here.'

2023 MONTECROSSA – the great Album of Michel Montecrossa presenting 36 outstanding New-Topical-Songs from his ’SHOW YOUR LOVE’ Climate Change Concert Tour 2023

2023 Montecrossa
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‘2023 MONTECROSSA’, released by Mira Sound Germany as Audio-CD, DVD and as Download, is the great Album of Michel Montecrossa presenting 36 outstanding New-Topical-Songs that take a stand for Intelligence, Love and Unity in a Changing World.
From the good-feeling songs ‘YOU ARE MY WORLD UNITY GIRL! YOU ARE MY WORLD PEACE GIRL!’ to ‘HIP & COOL’, ‘HOT & READY – HEISS & BEREIT’, ‘LOVE, FOREVER LOVE’, ‘I COME FROM THE FUTURE – ICH KOMME AUS DER ZUKUNFT’ and ‘DU BRAUCHST DAS MUSEUM NICHT FINDEN’ (YOU DON’T NEED TO FIND THE MUSEUM) to the visionary ‘UTOPIA’ you can experience 36 Michel Montecrossa Hit Songs he wrote and performed together with his band The New Chosen Few during his ‘SHOW YOUR LOVE’ Climate Change Concert Tour 2023.

“2023 MONTECROSSA is a great musical work coming from the big heart of a great artist, born out of love, for love in this world.
36 songs that show you another world. A world of hope, confidence, peace, progress and change for a world of the Living Celebration of Humanity.”
Mirakali Montecrossa

“2023 MONTECROSSA ist ein großes musikalisches Werk aus dem großen Herz eines großen Künstlers, aus Liebe geboren, für die Liebe in dieser Welt.
36 Songs, die dir eine andere Welt zeigen. Eine Welt der Hoffnung, der Zuversicht, des Friedens, des Fortschritts und Wandels für eine Welt der lebendigen Feier der Menschlichkeit.”
Mirakali Montecrossa

Want to know more? Click here.'

‘My Christmas Dream’ Audio-Stream & Audio-CD Album with 10 Peace and Love Christmas Songs by Michel Montecrossa

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‘My Christmas Dream’ is a special release by Mira Sound Germany on Audio-CD of 10 Peace and Love Christmas Songs by Michel Montecrossa produced together with Mirakali and The New Chosen Few. ‘My Christmas Dream’ is a masterpiece Audio-CD featuring Michel Montecrossa’s revolutionary genius way of Christmas Songwriting. He sovereignly goes beyond all clichés of this genre and opens for the listeners a new level of experiencing Christmas Music and Lyrics of an awesome depth of insight, wisdom, emotion and humanity. Michel Montecrossa again stands in the high light of outstanding songwriting and poetic excellence that easily communicate profound messages to a global audience in his own inimitable way of true soulfulness and compassionate generosity.

The 10 Christmas Songs are:

Strong Is My Christmas Dream
A song that turns to every woman and man and child, to every nation, country and race, to everything and all of the whole wide world with love and the message of light and hope.

Sweet Magic
Sings of the transforming sweet magic of love and her tender might leading us to happiness, freedom and joy.

Calm Beauty
Based on the Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam it is lifting a fold of the veil that hides the infinite knowledge.

Angel Nation
The Angel Nation are all those who can see and feel the Bright Earth and are open to her love.

People Of The Bright Earth
We all can become people of the Bright Earth through freedom spontaneous, the action play of love.

Divine Child
In the sudden light of insight we are the divine child, the healing wave of life, the unutterable moment with no long, last hour.

Love’s Oracle
It sings with the voice of the child of love of a world forever new with freedom pure – our freedom!

I Feel At Home In Your Embrace
Sings of the place where all ends and all begins.

is a healing and peace giving song for times when we need reflection and tender loving care.

The Day Is Comin’
When we all will know.

Michel Montecrossa says:
“‘My Christmas Dream‘ are ten New Christmas Songs of Peace and Love for giving Strength, Joy And Confidence.”

Want to know more? Click here.'

‘Cyberrocker Birthday Concert’ – The complete movie in two parts – 103 minutes

The ‘CYBERROCKER BIRTHDAY CONCERT’ – performed by Michel Montecrossa, Mirakali and The New Chosen Few, is released by Mira Sound Germany on Double DVD, Streaming, Download and Double Audio-CD (Soundtrack only).
The concert presents 29 Songs, Poems & Instrumentals by Michel Montecrossa and Mirakali and The New Chosen Few. Michel Montecrossa sings in his title song ‚Cyberrocker Ballad‘: “He is singin’ free, tunes of the inmost need, knowin’ the world is empty without oneness energy. He feels what he says and says what he feels. Wide are his dreams with the magic bright that heals the pain, dissolves the night. Cyberrocker he is of the coming dawn. Smile he is of the immortal One.“

Michel Montecrossa says:
“The ‘CYBERROCKER BIRTHDAY CONCERT’ presents 29 songs, poems and instrumentals about good thoughts and love that understands.”

Want to know more? Click here.'

The ‘My Festival Kisses For You’ Cyberrock Concert of Michel Montecrossa, Mirakali and their Band The New Chosen Few on Audio-CD, DVD and as Download

My Festival Kisses For You
Please donate to the artists for their music:

THE ‘MY FESTIVAL KISSES FOR YOU’ CYBERROCK CONCERT of Michel Montecrossa, Mirakali and The New Chosen Few, is released by Mira Sound Germany on Audio-CD, DVD and as Download.
The concert presents 21 Cyberrock & Dance-Electronica Songs & Orgastica-DJ instrumentals by Michel Montecrossa and Mirakali including: ‘My Festival Kisses For You’, ‘Like A Beauty In Her Palace’, ‘Your Heart Shines Great And Golden’ and many more.

Michel Montecrossa says:
“The ‘MY FESTIVAL KISSES FOR YOU’ CYBERROCK CONCERT is a Stream-of-Consciousness pre-vision of the Spirit of Woodstock Festival 2024, which takes place from August 7th to 11th 2024 in Mirapuri, Italy. It sends the Festival Kisses already in advance. So here we are with ‘MY FESTIVAL KISSES FOR YOU’ Concert. Welcome to all!”

Want to know more? Click here.'

‘Call To The British: Stay In The EU!’ – Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song Apropos No Brexit!

Call To The British
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Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song ‘Call To The British: Stay In The EU!’, released by Mira Sound Germany on Audio-CD, DVD and as Download, was written to take a stand for Great Britain staying in the EU.

Michel Montecrossa about his New-Topical-Song ‘Call To The British: Stay In The EU!’:
“The EU means future for Great Britain.”

In the hour of danger / the call goes forth to the British: / “Stay in the EU! Stay in the EU!”
In the hour of danger / union gives strength and saves: / “Stay in the EU! Stay in the EU!”
Separation leads to division, / division leads to conflict, you know: / “Stay in the EU! Stay in the EU!”
Live and work in Europe, / free, united and progressive: / “Stay in the EU! Stay in the EU!”
Give to the young their future / of free trade, jobs and success / everywhere in the EU! Everywhere in the EU!
The future are the children, / not the dangerous old / polito corruptos and banka gangstas! / Polito corruptos and banka gangstas!
The future wants to move towards / the United States of Planet Earth, / towards World Peace and not World War! / Towards World Peace and not World War!
The EU protects peace and income, / understanding and cooperation / on the way to a world that’s good for us all! / On the way to a world that’s good for us all!
On the way into the future, / the way into tomorrow, / the call goes forth to the British: / “Stay in the EU! Stay in the EU!”
Lyrics & Music: Michel Montecrossa, © Mira Sound Germany

Want to know more? Click here.'

The Michel Montecrossa Virtual Filmfest 2023 presents The House Of Time Courage & Love Climate Change Musical

Online THE METAVERSE EXPERIENCE of Michel Montecrossa’s
THE HOUSE OF TIME Courage & Love Climate Change Musical
Part One ‘Every Moment’ & Part Two ‘Every Day Is The Day’


THE HOUSE OF TIME Courage & Love Climate Change Musical
Part One ‘Every Moment’

THE HOUSE OF TIME Courage & Love Climate Change Musical
Part Two ‘Every Day Is The Day’

For more info click here:

Brainstorm CINEMA Virtual Free Cinema FILMFEST online:

Want to know more? Click here.'

‘Rettet die Willkommens Kultur – Save The Welcome Culture’ – Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song for the living celebration of humanity together with all refugees (apropos migration crisis in the EU)

Rettet die Willkommens Kultur
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‘Rettet Die Willkommens Kultur – Save The Welcome Culture’, apropos Migration crisis in the EU, released by Mira Sound Germany on Audio-CD, DVD and as Download, is Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song for the Living Celebration of Humanity together with all refugees. Michel Montecrossa sees the coming of refugees from the various war and climate crisis zones to the EU as a great chance for building a European and Eurasian future of working together, for progress and prosperity uniting all nations and making them into friends. He says: “Let us build islands of light, together with all that come, cities for refugees all over the E.U. Know-how comes to us and working power and the light of hope, the biggest power, for the free union of Eurasia.”

Michel Montecrossa says about the ‘Rettet Die Willkommens Kultur – Save The Welcome Culture’ Song & Movie:
“The ‘Rettet Die Willkommens Kultur – Save The Welcome Culture’ Song & Movie is a big party for the Living Celebration of humanity and forward looking intelligence together with all refugees.”

Rettet die Willkommens Kultur – / save the welcome culture! / Rettet Leben, nicht nur Grenzen. / Save lives, not just borders. / Rettet die Willkommens Kultur – / save the welcome culture!
Rettet die Zukunft der E.U. – / save the future of the E.U.! / Versteht die Flüchtlinge als Zukunft. / Understand the refugees as future. / Rettet die Zukunft der E.U. – / save the future of the E.U.
Die Zukunft ist Zusammenarbeit / the future is working together / für Fortschritt und für Wohlstand, / for progress and for prosperity / die alle Völker vereinen und zu Freunden machen. / uniting all nations, making them into friends.
Lasst uns Lichtinseln bauen, / let us build islands of light, / gemeinsam mit allen, die kommen, / together with all that come, / Städte für Flüchtlinge in der ganzen E.U., / cities for refugees all over the E.U.
Know-how kommt zu uns und Arbeitskraft / Know-how comes to us and working power / und das Licht der Hoffnung, die größte Kraft, / and the light of hope, the biggest power, / für die freie Vereinigung von Eurasien, / for the free union of Eurasia.
Rettet die Willkommens Kultur – / save the welcome culture! / Rettet Leben, nicht nur Grenzen. / Save lives, not just borders. / Rettet die Willkommens Kultur – / save the welcome culture!
Lyrics & Music: Michel Montecrossa, © Mira Sound Germany

Want to know more? Click here.'

I Have A Vision – Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song apropos UN Security Council reform for the 21st century

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‘I Have A Vision’ – Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song apropos UN Security Council Reform for the 21st Century is encouraging the UN to change into the World Government that takes a bold step towards World Unity manifesting as the United States of Planet Earth for serving the living Celebration of Humanity on a planet of peace, love and joy.

I have a vision of the United States of Planet Earth.
I have a vision of the U.S.A. taking the lead on this way.
I have a vision of the U.N. changing into the world government.
I have a vision of the United Humanity moving into space age.
I have a vision of the living celebration of Humanity in a World of Peace and Love and Joy unending.
Lyrics & Music: Michel Montecrossa, © Mira Sound Germany

Want to know more? Click here.'