Fill the earth and air and heaven
with felicity. Illumine the night
and make day and night one.
Golden glory will be our world.
Golden glory is the song of the future,
the words that tell of truth,
the melody that enchants your heart,
the rhythm with the beat of your heart,
the magic that transforms the world,
the movement that can change the world.
It is more than a second chance.
It is the leap towards the reality
that exists in the universe.
Our Love is a divine fire.
We will reach immortal life.
The summers and winters come and go
and we enjoy every moment of life.
Happiness dwells in our hearts.
Gratitude is soaring with our joy.
The rivers bring the water of life.
The mountains chant of wisdom.
It is the treasure discovered by tenderness.
It awakes in us the birth of knowledge.
The veils disappear
and we can see the unknown,
the unfathomable, the eternal, the infinite.
Lyrics & Music: Mirakali administered by Michel Montecrossa, © Mira Sound Germany