2023 MONTECROSSA – the great Album of Michel Montecrossa presenting 36 outstanding New-Topical-Songs from his ’SHOW YOUR LOVE’ Climate Change Concert Tour 2023

2023 Montecrossa
“You Are My World Unity Girl! You Are My World Peace Girl!” 2023 Montecrossa Michel Montecrossa
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‘2023 MONTECROSSA’, released by Mira Sound Germany as Audio-CD, DVD and as Download, is the great Album of Michel Montecrossa presenting 36 outstanding New-Topical-Songs that take a stand for Intelligence, Love and Unity in a Changing World.
From the good-feeling songs ‘YOU ARE MY WORLD UNITY GIRL! YOU ARE MY WORLD PEACE GIRL!’ to ‘HIP & COOL’, ‘HOT & READY – HEISS & BEREIT’, ‘LOVE, FOREVER LOVE’, ‘I COME FROM THE FUTURE – ICH KOMME AUS DER ZUKUNFT’ and ‘DU BRAUCHST DAS MUSEUM NICHT FINDEN’ (YOU DON’T NEED TO FIND THE MUSEUM) to the visionary ‘UTOPIA’ you can experience 36 Michel Montecrossa Hit Songs he wrote and performed together with his band The New Chosen Few during his ‘SHOW YOUR LOVE’ Climate Change Concert Tour 2023.

“2023 MONTECROSSA is a great musical work coming from the big heart of a great artist, born out of love, for love in this world.
36 songs that show you another world. A world of hope, confidence, peace, progress and change for a world of the Living Celebration of Humanity.”
Mirakali Montecrossa

“2023 MONTECROSSA ist ein großes musikalisches Werk aus dem großen Herz eines großen Künstlers, aus Liebe geboren, für die Liebe in dieser Welt.
36 Songs, die dir eine andere Welt zeigen. Eine Welt der Hoffnung, der Zuversicht, des Friedens, des Fortschritts und Wandels für eine Welt der lebendigen Feier der Menschlichkeit.”
Mirakali Montecrossa

2023 MONTECROSSA, Disc One, The Songs (Click the song title to read the lyrics):

  1. You Are My World Unity Girl! You Are My World Peace Girl!
  2. The Festival Happiness Song
  3. Telling Of Change And The Wonder So Kind
  4. The Wish – Der Wunsch
  5. Hip & Cool
  6. Hot & Ready – Heiss & Bereit
  7. When We Embrace
  8. When We Dream
  9. Love, Forever Love
  10. The Glorious Day Of The Festival
  11. What Is Your Liberation Today?
  12. Der Grosse, Gemeinsame Eurasische Friedensplan
  13. Four Of The Many Spoke To Me – Vier Der Vielen Sprachen Zu Mir
  14. Liebt Die Liebe – Love The Love
  15. The Big, United Eurasia Peace Plan
  16. Love Heals – Liebe Heilt

2023 MONTECROSSA, Disc Two, The Songs (Click the song title to read the lyrics):

  1. I Wandered With You Along The Shore
  2. I Come From The Future – Ich Komme Aus Der Zukunft
  3. I Know Your Love Is There
  4. O Sun-Baby! I’m A-Lovin’ You!
  5. Next Generation Uploaded
  6. Du Brauchst Das Museum Nicht Finden
  7. Angel-Light
  8. Weite Oder Härte? – Wideness Or Hardness?
  9. Worldpeace #2
  10. Truth Is Simple: It Is Love!
  11. Building The City Of Love
  12. Love And Peace Are Coming Upon The Earth – Liebe Und Frieden Kommen Auf Die Erde
  13. Utopia (English Version)
  14. Show Your Love – Zeigt Eure Liebe!
  15. The Discovery
  16. What Politos Need – Was Politos Brauchen!
  17. Utopia (German Version)
  18. E-Mail For Artis
  19. Gute Ideen Für Die Neue Politik – Good Ideas For The New Policy
  20. The Bright Earth Christmas Song
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