Golden Kiss Of Delight (by Mirakali)

Victory of sweet hearts
and the strength they give
with love and happiness,
the kiss of delight.
To be a hero is all you need to do
when your goal is
to be true.

To be a heroine is all you need to be
when you want to feel the key
to the oceans
of endless delight,
to the skies of infinite freedom,
to the power
of eternal love.

Victory I feel and I love you so deep.
Victory we feel and music is our way.
and bliss are our melody.
We sing with the power
of our soul‘s
that is strong
and makes everything real.
Cosmic love and
kiss of delight are
the stage on which we play
to open all doors to let in the streams of
golden light.

Consciousness navigates our ship
through cyberspace towards the haven
of victory‘s greatest bliss.
In your heart is the source,
in your soul is the power
to progress.

She brings all the beauty into the world
expressing with joy and ecstasy
your victory‘s greatest bliss.
Every happy dream is the key
for a great tomorrow to come.
Every kiss can make you understand.
It is the kiss of delight.

Lyrics & Music: Mirakali administered by Michel Montecrossa, © Mira Sound Germany