
„My New-Topical-Song-Movement is there to bring to the people the songs that inspire and to bring them fast. To make Downloads, CDs and DVDs, songbooks, programs, songsheets, concerts.
To distribute the songs globally via internet, shops, radio & TV and get the messages discussed and cited in newspapers, magazines, talk shows, social networks and gatherings.
The New-Topical-Songs are songs for the people and a world where we all vote, eat, work, talk, plan, think and love together so that your people will know my people and we don’t lose the peace and the world along with it.”
-Michel Montecrossa

Michel Montecrossa is an attentive observer of reality and misses no opportunity to let his songs voice the painful problems that disturb the well-being of our planet.
– Gianni Mongrandi in the E-Zine ‘Daring To Do’

‘SAVING MESSAGE’ Prayer Chant for the Bright Earth World Planetbirthday, 1st December 2022

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‘SAVING MESSAGE’, released by Mira Sound Germany on Audio-CD & DVD and as Download, is Michel Montecrossa’s Prayer Chant for the Bright Earth World Planetbirthday, 1st December 2022. It celebrates this day as the birthday of all humanity and was originally recorded as the final song for the New Year Song Symphony 2022 ‘THE MOTHER’S NEW MIRAPURI YEAR’.


The day comes when all barriers have fallen, / within and around us / and we can feel like the bird that opens its wings / for an unopposed soar.
Saving Message of the wisdom. / Saving Message of courage strong. / Saving Message of love always young. / Saving Message of freedom born.
Saving Message for the great morn’. / Saving Message when all is a-turnin’ ‘round. / Saving Message for all time to come. / Saving Message like your beauty song.
The Saving Message knows the love / bringing peace to all hearts, / bringing joy that will last, / giving satisfaction, / giving living hope.
Saving Message leads us through the open door. / Saving Message of the wisdom. / Saving Message of courage strong. / Saving Message of love always young.
Saving Message of freedom born. / Saving Message for the great morn’. / Saving Message when all is a-turnin’ ‘round. / Saving Message for all time to come.
Saving Message like your beauty song. / The day comes when all barriers have fallen, / within and around us / and we can feel like the bird that opens its wings / for an unopposed soar.
Lyrics & Music: Michel Montecrossa, © Mira Sound Germany

Want to know more? Click here.'

‘THE BRIGHT EARTH CHRISTMAS SONG’ is Michel Montecrossa’s heartfelt Christmas Song on Audio-CD & DVD and as Download

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‘THE BRIGHT EARTH CHRISTMAS SONG’, released by Mira Sound Germany on Audio-CD & DVD and as Download, is Michel Montecrossa’s heartfelt Christmas Song of good thoughts and love that understands.

Michel Montecrossa sings in his lyrics for THE BRIGHT EARTH CHRISTMAS SONG:

A New Light shall break upon the earth, / the Light it is of the Bright Earth, / a New Light of Truth and Harmony. / Yes, a New World it is for the free. / And all things announced / shall be fulfilled: / It is the Bright Earth Christmas Song.
The New World of the Bright Earth / is there for all and for / the Living Celebration of Humanity / and for the birth of human unity / and of harmony and beauty / and the paradise of love: / It is the Bright Earth Christmas Song.
It sings of New Understanding / and a new way to be one and the many / in our hearts and souls / of wideness and trust. / All hopes and prayers / shall be fulfilled: / It is the Bright Earth Christmas Song.
The United States of Planet Earth / are the home for the Bright Earth Children, / the home for love and space age visions, / the home for the True and the Right and the Vast / and for working together / in peace and joy forever: / It is the Bright Earth Christmas Song.
Lyrics & Music: Michel Montecrossa, © Mira Sound Germany

Want to know more? Click here.'

GUTE IDEEN FÜR DIE NEUE POLITIK – GOOD IDEAS FOR THE NEW POLICY – Michel Montecrossa’s Metaverse Steampunk New-Topical-Song about economy, love and human unity

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‘GUTE IDEEN FÜR DIE NEUE POLITIK – GOOD IDEAS FOR THE NEW POLICY!’, released by Mira Sound Germany on Audio-CD, DVD and as Download, is the title of Michel Montecrossa’s Metaverse Steampunk New-Topical-Song about economy, love and human unity.

Michel Montecrossa says:
“We need a new policy that saves the economy and is good for love and human unity.”

Michel Montecrossa sagt:
“Wir brauchen eine neue Politik für die Sicherung der Wirtschaft und die gut für die Liebe und das menschliche Geeintsein ist.”


Hier sind die guten Ideen / für die neue Politik:
Here are the good ideas / for the new policy:
Sanktionen: Nein / Embargo: Nein / Härte: Nein
Sanctions: No / Embargo: No / Hardness: No
Weite: Ja / Vereinigung: Ja / Weltfrieden: Ja
Vastness: Yes / Unity: Yes / World Peace: Yes
Dies sind die guten Ideen / für die neue Politik:
These are the good ideas / for the new policy:

Lyrics & Music: Michel Montecrossa, © Mira Sound Germany

Want to know more? Click here.'

SHOW YOUR LOVE – ZEIGT EURE LIEBE! – Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song about the diplomacy of the Living Celebration of True Humanity and Love that understands

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‘SHOW YOUR LOVE – ZEIGT EURE LIEBE!’, released by Mira Sound Germany on Audio-CD, DVD and as Download, is the title of Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song for the way out of always more aggression, hatred, division and destruction.

Michel Montecrossa says:
“I’d like to quote Artis Aldschalis of the New Chosen Few who says about the New Topical Song SHOW YOUR LOVE – ZEIGT EURE LIEBE!:
‘This song reveals the deadlock the whole aggression machinery has gotten itself into in its boarded blindness.
It is therefore urgently necessary to stop it and reflect on the only true solution:
Love is the solution if you have the courage to show it.
It is also what gives rise to the feeling, the certainty and the strength for the actual way out, the path that shows the right steps and, by taking it resolutely, allows unity to grow for the Living Celebration of True Humanity and the peace that would make the whole world happy.'”

Want to know more? Click here.'

The Glorious Day Of The Festival – Michel Montecrossa’s Song for Announcing the Spirit of Woodstock Festival 2022 in Mirapuri

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‘THE GLORIOUS DAY OF THE FESTIVAL’ Michel Montecrossa’s Audio Single and DVD, released by Mira Sound Germany, for announcing the Spirit of Woodstock Festival 2022 in Mirapuri, Italy. Michel Montecrossa together with his band The New Chosen Few during five days (3rd – 7th August 2022) presents 10 concerts featuring his brand-new Cyberrock songs. Michel Montecrossa and his band The New Chosen Few play along with international guest bands for Love & Hope at the most important European Free-Music-Revolution-Festival.

Michel Montecrossa says about the ‘THE GLORIOUS DAY OF THE FESTIVAL’ Song and Movie:
“Hi, everybody and welcome to the whole world! We invite everyone to come and join the Spirit of Woodstock Festival in Mirapuri 2022. Me and my band The New Chosen Few will play for you during the five days of the Spirit of Woodstock Festival, presenting our new songs. The Spirit of Woodstock Festival is the great European Celebration of the Free Music Revolution. Come and let’s enjoy the Spirit of Woodstock Festival of Love & Hope! See you!”

More songs and movies:
More informations:

Want to know more? Click here.'

UTOPIA – Michel Montecrossa’s mitfühlender New-Topical-Song (German Version), der sich für eine bessere Zukunft des Friedens und tatkräftigen menschlichen Geeintsein einsetzt

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‘UTOPIA’, veröffentlicht von Mira Sound Germany als Audio-CD, DVD und als Download, ist der Titel von Michel Montecrossa’s mitfühlenden New-Topical-Song, der sich für eine bessere Zukunft des Friedens und tatkräftigen menschlichen Geeintsein einsetzt.

Michel Montecrossa sagt:
“UTOPIA ist ein New-Topical-Song, der ermutigen will, für eine bessere Zukunft des Friedens und tatkräftigen menschlichen Geeintsein zu arbeiten und Mitgefühl an Stelle von Neuigkeiten aus der Hölle weiterzugeben.”

Lasst Herz und Seele leuchten / als Lichtgestalten für alle, / denen es weniger gut geht. / Gebt Trost statt News aus der Hölle.
Gebt Hoffnung statt Verwirrung. / Immer mehr Verrückte laufen herum: / Massenmörder, Kriegsherren, Lügner, Betrüger / und rücksichtslose Egomanen.
Lebt Liebe als Weltvereinigung, / bringt Frieden auf die Welt. / Seht mit den Augen der Freude, / hört auf mit Embargos und Sanktionen.
Die Vereinigten Staaten des Planeten Erde / brauchen wir und unsere Kinder / für eine Zukunft des Wahren und Weiten, / der Harmonie, des Guten und des Schönen.
Lasst Herz und Seele leuchten / als Lichtgestalten für alle, / denen es weniger gut geht. / Gebt Trost statt News aus der Hölle.

Lyrics & Music: Michel Montecrossa, © Mira Sound Germany

Want to know more? Click here.'

UTOPIA – Michel Montecrossa’s caring New-Topical-Song (English Version) that stands for a better tomorrow of Peace and effective Human Unity

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‘UTOPIA’, released by Mira Sound Germany on Audio-CD, DVD and as Download, is the title of Michel Montecrossa’s caring New-Topical-Song that stands for a better tomorrow of Peace and effective Human Unity.

Michel Montecrossa says:
“UTOPIA is a New-Topical-Song that sings to encourage us to work for a better Tomorrow of Peace and effective Human Unity and to spread compassion instead of news from hell.”

Let your heart and soul shine / as Beings of Light for all / who are less fortunate. / Give compassion instead of news from hell.
Give hope instead of confusion. / More and more crazy people are running around: / Mass murderers, warlords, liars, cheaters / and ruthless egomaniacs.
Live Love as World Union, / bring Peace to the world. / Look with the eyes of joy, / stop embargoes and sanctions.
The United States of Planet Earth / we and our children need / for a future of the True and Vast, / of Harmony, Goodness and Beauty.
Let your heart and soul shine / as Beings of Light for all, / who are less fortunate. / Give compassion instead of news from hell.
Lyrics & Music: Michel Montecrossa, © Mira Sound Germany

Want to know more? Click here.'

‘LIEBT DIE LIEBE – LOVE THE LOVE’ – Michel Montecrossa’s Maxi Single about the redeeming next step after the end of Ukraine war with four Original New-Topical-Songs on Audio-CD, DVD and as Download

Liebt die Liebe - Love the Love

‘LIEBT DIE LIEBE – LOVE THE LOVE’ Michel Montecrossa’s Maxi Single about the redeeming next step after the end of Ukraine war with four Original New-Topical-Songs released by Mira Sound Germany on Audio-CD, DVD and as Download. Michel Montecrossa with his new German-international Maxi Single is sending a Deutsch-English wave of his brand-new New-Topical-Songs across the world for a global peace loving audience. The Maxi Single songs are:
‘LIEBT DIE LIEBE – LOVE THE LOVE’ – Michel Montecrossa’s emphatic New-Topical-Song that stands for the Victory of Love, Peace, Joy, Change of Climate Change and an effective Human Unity on Planet Earth, ‘FOUR OF THE MANY WHO ARE THE ONE SPOKE TO ME – VIER DER VIELEN DIE DAS EINE SIND SPRACHEN ZU MIR’ – Michel Montecrossa’s Love answer for the United States of Planet Earth and ‘DER GROSSE, GEMEINSAME EURASISCHE FRIEDENSPLAN’ and ‘THE BIG, UNITED EURASIA PEACE PLAN’.

Michel Montecrossa says:
“End all wars, sanctions and embargoes and start the beautiful journey into a totally new Future.”

The songs – click for the song lyrics

Want to know more? Click here.'

Liebt die Liebe – Love The Love – Michel Montecrossa’s caring New-Topical-Song that stands for the Victory of Love on Planet Earth

Liebt die Liebe – Love the Love
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‘LIEBT DIE LIEBE – LOVE THE LOVE’, released by Mira Sound Germany on Audio-CD, DVD and as Download, is the title of Michel Montecrossa’s caring New-Topical-Song that stands for the Victory of Love, Peace, Joy, Change of Climate Change and an effective Human Unity on Planet Earth.

Michel Montecrossa says:
“Love the Love and start the journey of Beauty and of Young Joy!”

LIEBT DIE LIEBE – LOVE THE LOVE – Michel Montecrossa’s mitfühlender New-Topical-Song, der für den Sieg der Liebe auf dem Planeten Erde singt

‘LIEBT DIE LIEBE – LOVE THE LOVE’, veröffentlicht von Mira Sound Germany als Audio-CD, DVD und als Download, ist der Titel von Michel Montecrossa’s mitfühlenden New-Topical-Song, der für den Sieg von Liebe, Frieden, Freude, Wandel des Klimawandels und einem tatsächlichen Geeintsein der Menschheit auf dem Planeten Erde singt.

Michel Montecrossa sagt:
“Liebt die Liebe und beginnt die Reise von Schönheit und von Junger Freude!”

“Liebt die Liebe!”, ist der Ruf des Planeten. / “Love the Love!”, is the call of the Planet. / Es ist der Ruf des Planeten Erde. / It is the call of the Planet Earth.
“Liebt die Liebe und beginnt die Reise / “Love the Love and start the journey / von Schönheit und von Junger Freude!” / of Beauty and of Young Joy!”
“Seid alle Liebende, Kinder und Poeten / Be all lovers, children and poets / auf der weiten Space-Age Reise. / on the wide Space-AgeJourney.”
“Liebt die Liebe!”, ist der Ruf des Planeten. / “Love the Love”, is the call of the Planet. / Es ist der Ruf des Planeten Erde. / It is the call of the Planet Earth.
“Liebt die Liebe!” ist auch mein Ruf an alle. / “Love the Love” is also my call to all. / Es ist der Ruf meiner Wonne-Seele. / It is the call of my blissful soul.
“Liebt die Liebe von Körper und Seele / “Love the Love of body and soul / und findet den Frieden der totalen Freude!” / and find the peace of the total joy!”
Lyrics & Music: Michel Montecrossa, © Mira Sound Germany

AMATE L’AMORE – LOVE THE LOVE – La premurosa canzone New-Topical di Michel Montecrossa che rappresenta la vittoria dell’Amore sul pianeta Terra

‘AMATE L’AMORE – LOVE THE LOVE’, pubblicata dalla Mira Sound Germany su CD Audio, DVD e come download, è il titolo della premurosa canzone New Topical di Michel Montecrossa che rappresenta la vittoria dell’Amore, della Pace, della Gioia, del Cambiamento Climatico e di un’effettiva Unità Umana sul Pianeta Terra.

Dice Michel Montecrossa:
“Amate l’Amore e iniziate il viaggio della Bellezza e della Giovane Gioia!”.

“Amate l’Amore!”, è il richiamo del pianeta. / “Love the Love!”, is the call of the planet. / È il richiamo del pianeta Terra. / It is the call of the planet earth.
“Amate l’Amore e iniziate il viaggio / “Love the Love and start the journey / della bellezza e della giovane gioia!”. / of beauty and of young joy!”
“Siate tutti amanti, bambini e poeti / “Be all lovers, children and poets / nell’ampio viaggio dell’Era Spaziale”. / on the wide Space-Age journey.”
“Amate l’Amore!”, è il richiamo del pianeta. / “Love the Love”, is the call of the planet. / È il richiamo del pianeta Terra. / It is the call of the planet earth.
“Amate l’Amore!” è anche il mio richiamo a tutti. / “Love the Love” is also my call to all. / È il richiamo della mia anima beata. / It is the call of my blissful soul.
“Amate l’Amore del corpo e dell’anima / “Love the Love of body and soul / e trovate la pace della gioia totale”. / and find the peace of the total joy!”

Want to know more? Click here.'

Four Of The Many Who Are The One Spoke To Me – Vier der Vielen die das Eine sind sprachen zu mir – Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song for the 9th of May 2022 when everyone was speaking and everyone was right …

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‘FOUR OF THE MANY WHO ARE THE ONE SPOKE TO ME – VIER DER VIELEN DIE DAS EINE SIND SPRACHEN ZU MIR’, released by Mira Sound Germany on Audio-CD, DVD and as Download, is the title of Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song that came for the 9th of May 2022 when everyone was speaking and everyone was right and everything was going on at the same time and the United States of Planet Earth seemed to be Love’s best answer for this ball.
Dieser Song kam für den 9. Mai 2022 als alle redeten und jeder Recht hatte und alles gleichzeitig geschah und die Vereinigten Staaten des Planeten Erde die beste Antwort der Liebe für diesen Ball zu sein schien.

Four of the Many who are the One / spoke to me and the first one said: / “Sanctions and embargoes are not good, / they kill the economy and ruin the country.”
Vier der Vielen die das Eine sind / sprachen zu mir und der Erste sagte: / “Sanktionen und Embargos sind nicht gut, / sie töten die Wirtschaft und ruinieren das Land.”
Four of the Many who are the One / spoke to me and the second one said: / “Wideness is good and not hardness, / peace is good and not war.”
Vier der Vielen die das Eine sind / sprachen zu mir und die Zweite sagte: / “Weite ist gut und nicht Härte, / Frieden ist gut und nicht Krieg.”
Four of the Many who are the One / spoke to me and the third being said: / “I am a baby and I am young, / I’m the future and not the long gone.”
Vier der Vielen die das Eine sind / sprachen zu mir und das dritte Wesen sagte: / “Ich bin ein Baby und ich bin jung, / die Zukunft bin ich und nicht das längst Vergangene.”
Four of the Many who are the One / spoke to me and the fourth was me who sang: / “Love ist the best for me and you and all – / and the United States of Planet Earth are love’s / best answer for this ball.”
Vier der Vielen die das Eine sind / sprachen zu mir und der Vierte war ich der sang: / “Liebe ist das Beste für mich und dich und alle – / und die Vereinigten Staaten des Planeten Erde sind / der Liebe beste Antwort für diesen Ball …”
Lyrics & Music: Michel Montecrossa, © Mira Sound Germany

Want to know more? Click here.'

‘War Kills’ Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song apropos: Ukraine Now

War Kills‘ Michel Montecrossa’s new-topical-song-movement Audio-Single and DVD, released by Mira Sound Germany, is taking a stand for peaceful change, dialogue, talks with oppositions, joy and determination to realize equality, better housing, better jobs, social security and sweeping reforms replacing political wars, civil wars, wars against protestors, economy wars, ecology wars, energy wars and ideological wars.

Michel Montecrossa says:
“Times of upheavals can be times for the birth of a new level of awareness on the way to the United States of Planet Earth. War kills this birth.”

War kills in business. War kills at home. / You know the answer, honey, but you do the wrong. / What will you do when killers come to you? / We’ve gone a long way, still don’t know what to do.
War kills for sure, is dirty business. / But business is strong and you want your easiness. / What will you do when killers come to you? / You don’t know and nobody will know you.
War kills even lovers when they turn to hate. / You can’t find a job when you make mistakes. / What will you do when killers come to you? / If you don’t care for others, nobody cares for you.
War kills everybody, is strong with deadly doom. / If you don’t want to be true, what else you want to do? / What will you do when killers come to you? / If you don’t want to listen, nobody listens to you.
War is no good story, hides the answer from within. / Stay with your lovers and make them all a-sing. / What will you do when sunshine comes to you? / I guess you know the answer and me I’m happy too.
Lyrics & Music: Michel Montecrossa, © Mira Sound Germany

Want to know more? Click here.'

‘Talking Weapons and Peace’ – Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song triggered by the Russia-Ukraine War

Talking Weapons And Peace
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‘Talking Weapons And Peace’, released by Mira Sound Germany on Audio-CD, DVD and as Download, is Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song dedicated to the victims of the bloody Russia-Ukraine War.
‘Talking Weapons And Peace’ is a profound statement of insight into the complex interdependence of weapons and peace in a world of ideologies and intolerance.
Michel Montecrossa in his New-Topical-Song ‘Talking Weapons And Peace’ sees the painful need for armies and weapons as a bitter last minute cure for the illness of deadly fanaticism that is leading to catastrophes like the Russia-Ukraine War.
But much more than counting on weapons Michel Montecrossa looks beyond the immediate violence and narrow-mindedness of dehumanization to the evolution of strong human unity ethics and true peace diplomacy as the effective long-term answer that can prevent self-radicalization from becoming so obsessive that only war and violence seem to remain as remedy.

Michel Montecrossa says:
“My New-Topical-Song ‘Talking Weapons And Peace’ is triggered by the Russia-Ukraine War. In the world of today ideologies can’t be killed. They can only be changed for the better by strong human unity ethics and true peace diplomacy convincingly backed by strong armies.”

At the time when I wrote this song / the earth was a divided world. / Mankind stood in weapons. / Strong weapons for strong peace. / Good weapons for strong soldiers, they say.
A divided world of a divided mind. / The red line dividing war from peace / is drawn by force of weapons. / Strong weapons for strong peace. / Good weapons for strong soldiers, they say.
Soldiers must be strong with the ethics / of peace through courage and will / to end the war before it begins. / Strong armies for strong peace. / Good armies for strong security, they say.
The honor of armies is to strengthen diplomacy. / The honor of diplomacy is to end insecurity, / to bring peace through conviction. / Strong diplomacy for strong peace. / Good diplomacy for strong security, I say.
At the time when I wrote this song / strong weapons stood against the evil / securing time for peace and union building. / Strong weapons for strong peace. / Good weapons for strong people, they say.
You must be master of your weapon – / the weapon must not master you. / You must prevent the war, not start it. / Stand for the true, the right, the vast / and make the loving peace last, I say.
Lyrics & Music: Michel Montecrossa, © Mira Sound Germany

Want to know more? Click here.'

2022 MONTECROSSA – the Great Reality Album of Michel Montecrossa presenting 12 original New-Topical-Songs for the feeling of the big change the earth and humanity need to have a future

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‘2022 MONTECROSSA’, released by Mira Sound Germany as Audio-CD, DVD and as Download, is the Great Reality Album of Michel Montecrossa presenting 12 original New-Topical-Songs about the world that is preparing for a big change and the question ‘Will you help?’.
‘2022 MONTECROSSA’ is the straightforward call for active consciousness change in the individual and the world community that aims at effective wideness of vision and the rediscovery of love for building peace and the United States of Planet Earth.

Michel Montecrossa says about his album ‘2022 MONTECROSSA’:
“The songs of ‘2022 Montecrossa’ sing about the world that is preparing for a big change and asks: ‘Will you help?'”

Want to know more? Click here.'

WORLD UNION – Mirakali’s New-Topical-Song apropos the solution for all conflicts on earth

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Mirakali’s New-Topical-Song ‘WORLD UNION’, released by Mira Sound Germany on Audio-CD, DVD and as Download, apropos the solution for all conflicts on earth.

Mirakali about her New-Topical-Song ‘WORLD UNION’:
“The New-Topical-Song ‘WORLD UNION’ is my solution for all conflicts on earth. It is the answer of hope that ends all wars and brings peace and love to all humanity. Love shall be the living key.”

And the sun rises once more. But today it is another dawn. Nothing is the same. All has changed. / All mankind has come together. Brothers, sisters, friends and lovers, they all stand together to help each other, to lend the helping hand, the caring thought, the warm heart that understands, the mind that is free, free for all to be enchanting and self-giving. / World Union and freedom and peace sing everywhere. All pain and war has ended, all hunger and suffering is gone. Finally it was possible to save the earth and all beings that live on her. / After long times of darkness, betrayal and lies mankind succeeded to take another turn. Now we are ready to build a new world. / It will be a new earth, green and beautiful. Everyone shall be free, with all possibilities to unfold his own, hidden skills./ Love shall be the living key, the star that‘s giving light, the sun that gives all warmth, the power that gives us strength. / World Union and no one will ever be alone again. And we will need no money any more. Everyone is helping all and is true in giving and enjoying the happiness great and freedom of all. / All ego ambitions have left the place. Now joy and creativity are there to do together the good, the best, the right, the vast./ We no longer will need politics. The strong will help the weak and will protect the sweet and the tender. No suppression, no violence. / World Union means love. World Union means freedom. It is peace. World Union is the soul of the new world and it needs the souls of heroes for its way into the future.
Lyrics & Music: Mirakali administered by Michel Montecrossa, © Mira Sound Germany

Want to know more? Click here.'

‘Solidarity’ Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song-Concert apropos solidarity with Ukraine

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The ‘Solidarity’ New-Topical-Song-Concert, released by Mira Sound Germany as Audio-CD and DVD is Michel Montecrossa’s second concert of the Future World & Climate Change Concert Tour. Performed in the Science Fiction Rocker Basement of the Michel Montecrossa Rock Vision Diner in Gauting near Munich. The concert includes 17 solo acoustic songs including the title song ‘Solidarity’ and great songs like ‘My Song For The People’, ‘The Right Way’, ‘On The Razor’s Edge’ and ‘It’s Time To Listen To More Than We Know’ and more songs about the need of our time for human unity, true understanding and readiness for change.

Michel Montecrossa about his Solidarity Solo Acoustic Concert:
“Good times, bad times, work, no work, worry, happiness, peace, revolution, catastrophe, war and isms: In all we need solidarity to find our way through, to come out of mean and low treatment, to help each other, to go beyond narrow thinking, to make life better and to live and celebrate humanity.
In my songs I sing and speak my mind so that you and me can get together and let new ideas grow like trees and flowers because we believe in something and understand the good of solidarity, of working together, of caring for earth and people and honest peace.
Solidarity is what my new topical song movement is about.”

Want to know more? Click here.'

WAR IS HELL – Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song apropos Ukraine-Russia War Crisis

War Is Hell
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Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song ‘WAR IS HELL’, released by Mira Sound Germany on Audio-CD, DVD and as Download, apropos Ukraine-Russia War Crisis.

Michel Montecrossa about ‘WAR IS HELL’:
“My New-Topical-Song ‘WAR IS HELL’ is a strong call to Russia and Ukraine not to go to war.”

War is hell, wherever it starts. / It turns into a bullet once it burns in your heart. / Armies are marching, shakin’ the ground. / But it’s in your mind where love first is turned down.
War is hell, ’bout that there’s no doubt. / It harms and destroys the Worldsoul’s house, / takes up all your lies to make you foolish and loud. / And it’s in your mind where love first is blown out.
War is hell, whatever you might say. / It starts with a quarrel, leads you astray. / It’s in every moment if you aren’t awake. / And it’s up to you to let love go all the way.
There are a million reasons, but the Truth is one. / Compassion and trust are stronger than arms. / The loving embrace is what everybody wants. / And it’s only together that we can reach the Dawn.
War is hell, wherever it starts. / It turns into a bullet once it burns in your heart. / Armies are marching, shakin’ the ground. / But it’s in your mind where love first is turned down.
(Lyrics & Music: Michel Montecrossa, © Mira Sound Germany)

Want to know more? Click here.'

‘Weite oder Härte? – Wideness or Hardness?’ – Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical – Song Triggered by Annalena Baerbock and Sergej Lawrow First Contact

Weite oder Härte - Wideness or Hardness
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Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song ‘WEITE ODER HÄRTE? – WIDENESS OR HARDNESS?’, Audio-single and music-movie released by Mira Sound Germany as Download and Audio-CD & DVD.

Michel Montecrossa says:
“‘WEITE ODER HÄRTE? – WIDENESS OR HARDNESS?’ is my New-Topical-Song triggered by Annalena Baerbock and Sergej Lawrow first contact on the level of Cosmic Consciousness with a healthy dose of beauty, empathy and satire.”

Michel Montecrossa sagt:
“‘WEITE ODER HÄRTE? – WIDENESS OR HARDNESS?’ ist mein New-Topical-Song angeregt durch den Erstkontakt von Annalena Baerbock und Sergej Lawrow auf der Ebene des kosmischen Bewusstseins mit einer gesunden Brise von Schönheit, Einfühlungsvermögen und Satire.”


Weite oder Härte? Das ist die Frage / in der Politik der Menschlichkeit. / Da stehen sie, die beiden: / Annalena und Sergej.
Wideness or hardness? That’s the question / in the politics of humanity. / Here they stand, the two: / Annalena and Sergej.
Frieden oder Krieg? Das ist die Frage / für die Seele von Eurasien, / für den größten Kontinent / des Planeten Erde.
Peace or war? That’s the question / for the soul of Eurasia, / for the biggest continent / of the Planet Earth.
Wähle die Weite, lieber Olaf, / gehe zum guten Vladimir ohne Sanktionen, / wähle die Weite der Vision des Friedens / für die Menschlichkeit auf Erden.
Choose the wideness, dear Olaf, / go to the good Vladimir without sanctions, / choose the wide vision of peace / for humanity on earth.
Die Chance ist da für Russland und für Deutschland / Reichtum zu finden im Vereinten Eurasien, / vom Atlantik bis zum Pazifik: / Freihandel und Kultur des Friedens,
The chance is there for Russia and for Germany / to find prosperity in the Eurasian Union, / from the Atlantic to the Pacific: / free-trade and culture of peace,
um den Weg zu bauen / für die Vereinigten Staaten / des Planeten Erde und die / Lebendige Feier der Menschlichkeit.
to build the road / for the United States / of Planet Earth and the / Living Celebration of Humanity.
Lyrics & Music: Michel Montecrossa, © Mira Sound Germany


Dice Michel Montecrossa:
‘VASTITÀ O DUREZZA? – WIDENESS OR HARDNESS?’ è la mia canzone New-Topical innescata dal primo contatto di Annalena Baerbock e Sergei Lavrov a livello della coscienza cosmica con una sana brezza di bellezza, empatia e satira”.


Vastità o durezza? Questa è la domanda / nella politica dell’umanità. / Eccoli qui, i due: / Annalena e Sergej.
Wideness or hardness? That’s the question / in the politics of humanity. / Here they stand, the two: / Annalena and Sergej.
Pace o guerra? Questa è la domanda / per l’anima dell’Eurasia, / per il più grande dei continenti / del pianeta Terra.
Peace or war? That’s the question / for the soul of Eurasia, / for the biggest continent / of the Planet Earth.
Scegli la vastità, caro Olaf, / vai dal buon Vladimir senza sanzioni, / scegli la grande visione della pace / per l’umanità sulla terra. / Choose the wideness, dear Olaf, go to the good Vladimir without sanctions, / choose the wide vision of peace / for humanity on earth.
La possibilità c’è per la Russia e per la Germania / di trovare prosperità nell’Unione Eurasiatica, / dall’Atlantico al Pacifico: / libero scambio e cultura della pace,
The chance is there for Russia and for Germany / to find prosperity in the Eurasian Union, / from the Atlantic to the Pacific: / free-trade and culture of peace,
per costruire la strada / per gli Stati Uniti / del Pianeta Terra e la / Celebrazione vivente dell’umanità.
to build the road / for the United States / of Planet Earth and the / Living Celebration of Humanity.
Vastità o durezza? Questa è la domanda / nella politica dell’umanità. / Eccoli qui, i due: / Annalena e Sergej.
Wideness or hardness? That’s the question / in the politics of humanity. / Here they stand, the two: / Annalena and Sergej.

Testo & Musica: Michel Montecrossa, © Mira Sound Germany

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‘THE VISION – DIE VISION’ – Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song taking a stand for wideness and the way to World Union

The Vision - Die Vision

Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song ‘THE VISION – DIE VISION’, Audio-single and music-movie released by Mira Sound Germany as Download and Audio-CD & DVD.

Michel Montecrossa says:
“‘THE VISION – DIE VISION’ is my New-Topical-Song for all statesmen and-women who take a stand for wideness and the way to World Union.”

The Vision is World Unity, / die Vision ist Weltvereinigung, / it is wide enough, wide enough for all. / sie ist weit genug, weit genug für alle.
Name me a problem it cannot solve. / Nenne mir ein Problem, das sie nicht lösen kann. / The solution is World Unity. / Die Lösung ist Weltvereinigung.
All statesmen and -women can understand the Vision. / Alle Staatsmänner und -Frauen können verstehen die Vision. / All their goals can fit into it. / Alle ihre Ziele können sich in ihr finden.
The Vision is World Unity, / die Vision ist Weltvereinigung, / it is wide enough for all. / sie ist weit genug für alle.
Lyrics & Music: Michel Montecrossa, © Mira Sound Germany

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Special Attention Release for Christmas 2021: ‘Ukraine Action Step By Step – Ukraine Action Schritt Für Schritt’ Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song-Movement Audio Single, DVD and Download about the Eurasian solution for the Ukraine crisis

Ukraine Action Step By Step

Ukraine Action Step By Step – Ukraine Action Schritt Für Schritt’ is Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song-Movement Audio Single, DVD and Download, released by Mira Sound Germany, about the Eurasian solution for the Ukraine crisis. Michel Montecrossa sees the Free Eurasian Union as the real solution not only for West and East Ukraine but even more for EU, Russia and USA to tackle the extreme worldwide situation of radicalization and dehumanization. Michel Montecrossa in his song ‘Ukraine Action Step By Step – Ukraine Action Schritt Für Schritt’ suggests the temporary autonomy of East and West Ukraine so that civil war ends and everyone freely can make associations with the preferred side, that is to say EU or Russia, until EU and Russia have come together to build the Free Eurasian Union from the Atlantic to the Pacific Oceans and Ukraine then has equal free trade and cultural access to EU and Russia in the greater context of the Free Eurasian Union.
Michel Montecrossa sees such a development as the truly effective alternative to Nato war industry business and EU sanctions, an alternative that brings long term peace, growth and jobs to whole Eurasia and eventually to the entire world.

Michel Montecrossa says about his New-Topical-Song ‘Ukraine Action Step By Step – Ukraine Action Schritt Für Schritt’:
“I wrote my New-Topical-Song ‘Ukraine Action Step By Step – Ukraine Action Schritt Für Schritt’ to show an effective way to the future of Ukraine, EU and Russia. It was written at a time when Ukraine President Mr. Poroshenko was selling his sweets equally to EU and Russia and I say that’s what the entire Ukraine could do, if EU and Russia come together to build the free Eurasian Union from the Atlantic to the Pacific Oceans. On the way to that union East and West Ukraine should be autonomous so that each side can find peace and can prepare to reunite again in the Free Eurasian Union. Nato war industry business and EU sanctions don’t bring peace, brotherhood, economic growth and understanding, but only increase bloodshed, enmity and hatred creating a deep and dangerous split between EU and Russia. The Free Eurasian Union on the other hand would bring lasting peace, sound economy and progressive understanding to all nations of the big Eurasian continent.”

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‘What Can We Do To Change The Climate Change?’ – Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song dedicated to Friday for Future and to all victims of Climate Change

What Can We Do To Change The Climage Change?
Please donate to the artists for their music:

Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song ‘What Can We Do To Change The Climate Change?’, released by Mira Sound Germany on Audio-CD, DVD and as Download, is dedicated to Fridays for Future and to all victims of climate change. Michel Montecrossa is the New-Topical-Song singer/songwriter who founded Mirapuri – the City of Peace and Futureman in Europe, Italy and its satellite Miravillage in Germany, near Munich as two of the most outstanding centers of action for changing the climate change. His song ‘What Can We Do To Change The Climate Change?’ is a poignant call to do the right thing for the future of the earth before it is too late.
For more about Mirapuri see:

Michel Montecrossa about ‘What Can We Do To Change The Climate Change?’:
“My New-Topical-Song ‘What Can We Do To Change The Climate Change?’ dedicated to Fridays for Future and to all victims of climate change, is sending the ultimate climate change warning to every government and to every climate change conference. My New-Topical-Song ‘What Can We Do To Change The Climate Change?’ is singing: We must do the right thing for the future of the earth before it is too late.”

What can we do to change the climate change? / First thing for sure is consciousness change. / We must grow in awareness and practice habit change / that’s what we can do to change the climate change.
What can I do to change the climate change? / First thing for sure is consciousness change. / I grow in awareness and lend a helping hand. / That‘s what I do to change the climate change.
What can we do to bring the wrong to an end? / I say, let’s take the direction away / from doom and deadly games / towards deep understanding of truth and action / that’s what we can do to bring the wrong to an end.
Consciousness growth is my evolving truth, / leads to love and vision free of egoism, / leads to wisdom of union and working together. / Yes, consciousness growth is my evolving truth.
Climate change will change if we come together / to build places of green ways to handle the future / and learn to be human, peaceful and strong. / Climate change will change if it‘s that what we want.
That’s what I do together with my friends, / building a city for futureman / where the best of today meets the future-forces / coming from our inner resources,
where love is the master and soul the key / to creation boundless and free, / where consciousness meets consciousness and sees, / ‘cause love is the master and soul is the key.
This place is Mirapuri, the place for you and me / to set an example and give proof and the key / that ecology works and consciousness is great. / This place is Mirapuri, it‘s a conscious place
where unity is true and young the drive / to find the good way of kindness bright / that is healthy and progressive, saves the climate and our life. / Unity is true and young change, I say, is right.
This is Mirapuri, it’s my pounding life. / It’s my message of encouraging love and light / of a better world ending climate change night. / This is Mirapuri, well, it‘s the helping might.
What can we do to change the climate change? / First thing for sure is consciousness change. / We must grow in awareness and practice habit change / that’s what we can do to change the climate change.
And what can I do to change the climate change? / First thing I know is consciousness change. / I grow in awareness and lend a helping hand. / That’s what I do to change the climate change.
Lyrics & Music: Michel Montecrossa, © Mira Sound Germany

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