Honey for honey I am for you.
Honey for honey, that’s what we do.
Honey for honey is all out sunny.
Honey for honey you won’t get for money.
History, I say, is written by winners.
Risk, I say, will make us fly.
Oneness, I say, is there when we smile.
Stories, I say, are there in every sigh.
Honey for honey is our history.
Honey for honey is our mystery.
Honey for honey means unity.
Honey for honey gives liberty.
Our big news is verified by love.
Our big scandals are true to the bone.
Honey for honey takes all by storm.
Honey for honey will never be wrong.
Honey for honey and love that counts.
Honey for honey and lust that mounts.
Honey for honey ’cause we are strong.
Honey for honey ’cause we are young.
Yes, our big news is verified by love
and our big scandals are true to the bone.
Honey for honey will always move on.
Honey for honey and you will never be alone.
Lyrics & Music: Michel Montecrossa, © Mira Sound Germany